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What could be wrong with this puppy Update

I posted Early in the week, Found out I had a swimmer pup. Thanks Jackie for sending me the photos for a sweater. I didn't make the sweater butknow for next time.?? Instead I made the rice socks some big some long.Having 2 home businesses.Which I'm home 24/7 I could roll the pup on his side quite often a day which I did. Now that he is 2 wks.
He is rolling over by himself mostly on his back and sleeps there most of the day. I don't see him much on his side.By himself.

But he is able to get to the 2 big rice socks and that helps him roll over with the help of those.Smart little guy. So he has improved greatly. Now I know if I have to go through this again.And Glad I'm home for him to be turned... TIA For everyones Knowledge on this suject, I'm more informed.
I did make hills and valleys with the socks.And have bout 5 in the whelping box.Needless to say we caught this in time. I'm sure he could be alot worse. He was not a Swimmer at birth this started about 5 days after birth. The mother when seeing these rice socks in the box.Thought she got more pups and even tried to move them over to her to nurse.!!!!

Re: What could be wrong with this puppy Update

Ah the forum working at its best :)
Glad to hear your pup is doing better. Try getting him outside on the grass as well, this really helped my swimmer pup to get mobile.

Re: Re: What could be wrong with this puppy Update

Glad to hear he is doing better :}.... try to not let him sleep on his back though, the side is the best to get those ribs to go back to where they should be... keep us updated!