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Bad Bite

My pup is 12 weeks has an under bite meaning her bottom teeth are in front of her top teeth when her mouth is closed. Is there any chance that it will go back to normal?

Re: Bad Bite

Not likely on this one and I do not recommend tryng to have it fixed,it doesn't work. However the likleyhood of passing it on is very low,this condition is usually caused by a sudden growth spurt in the jaw. The upper canines can be snipped as the puppy gets older as necessary.

Re: Bad Bite

what about a over bite??

Re: Bad Bite

Don't give up yet. I have one that had a bit of an underbite at that age. He corrected completely on his own. Had a beautiful scissor bite by the time he was 5 months old.

Re: Re: Bad Bite

I feel better Much better now. I won't give up the ship!

Re: Bad Bite

I try not to look in the mouth too much when the baby teeth are falling out and the adult teeth are coming in. It can look pretty scary!

Re: Bad Bite

I had a boy who was a year old who had an under would go
back and forth to being and underbite and then level, but it went
back to being an underbite...and was told to place him as it will never
improve. PLEASE tell me I didn't make a bit mistake, because
this was a boy that would have gone places..

Re: Re: Bad Bite

You can't really know for sure unless you check his mouth every week for the rest of his life...

Better not to worry about what you've already done, it can't be fixed, would you REALLY feel better about it if you got a phone call tomorrow that said "Hey, just so you know, he got neutered last week, and while he was in, the vet said his bite's a perfect scissor?"

I've always read that the bottom jaw grows slower than the top jaw, so you often have an overbite that will fix itself, but it is rare that a underbite (not a "I'm making Mom panic" moment that they like to do as puppies) will correct.

Re: Re: Re: Bad Bite

My youngest dog had a nice scissors bite at 8 weeks and beyond. Suddenly she had an undershot jaw. As her adult teeth started to come in, it kept correcting.

Now at 6 months she has a level bite. I suspect as she continues to grow it will stay level or correct completely to scissors bite.

The trick is to QUIT LOOKING for a while--the more you look the more you worry.