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Manhattan being dog friendly?

I have never been to Manhattan but I have a young adult that a very nice family that lives in an apartment near the park would like to buy.

They tell me their building is very dog friendly and they all take their dogs with them all over the place.

Can any one enlighten me about Manhattan and it being dog friendly?


Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

Many dods in Manhattan and yes is a friendly city for dogs.They are very welcome in Central Park

Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

I have wonderful clients in the city!! Very dog friendly, more so than many other places in fact.

Re: Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

Absolutely! There are dog runs in many of the parks (Riverside Park, Central Park, just off the top of my head) and most outdoor cafes will cater to the dogs - they bring them cookies, bowls of ice water, etc. Manhattan is a great place for dogs - I envy the pups that live there!

Re: Re: Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

That's great to know :) I'm sending a young adult and doing my homework before she goes. I know on Sex and the City it looks doggie friendly

Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

I placed my first pup in NYC last spring. I was a bit worried at first, but they were a young home eager to do their best. It has worked out great! He works from home most the time, when they can't be home during the day they have a dog walker come in and take her out. It is walking distance from a dog park, and they found the best vet they could for her, did their research on the best foods. That is one thing great about placing a dog with folks who can afford to live in the city. They can also afford to give her the best... and she deserves it!

Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

I have placed puppies in NYC and Manhattan over the years with great success. One of my contract conditions was a "dog walker" contract for the families as they both worked outside the home.

Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

Yes It's very friendly I have some puppy clients there.

Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

I have placed several dogs into homes in the the city. In many ways, these dogs get more attention than the suburb dogs!!
Go for it!!!

Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

Our 6 yr old routinely visits the city when is he assisting his owners with their freelancing jobs in Manhattan for 3-4 months at a time. Living on 7 acres and then moving to concrete is an adjustment for any adult dog. He seems to do fairly well after 1 day of trying to hold in everything. Plenty of dog friendly businesses that provide water and treats outside their shops. He has lived in SOHO, Chelsea, Greenwich and we would take him back in a moment.

We have no problems selling dogs to responsible pet owners in cities, as most have "doggie day care" trips and adventures for the pooches.


Re: Re: Manhattan being dog friendly?

We placed one of our pups this year with a family in Manhattan. They already owned a 4 year old Chocolate Boy and were very glad to be bringing in a new friend for him. They lived right across the street from the park, absolutely dog friendly place.