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Cone Head

What is your interpretation of a little knot on puppy head as far as development of the head goes?

Re: Cone Head

How old is the puppy? If it is a new born, I once had an issue like this. It was the result of a new mother to vigorously handling her new born. It resulted in a small punture wound that I did not detect. This resulted in an absess. We called her Connie Cone Head. I still have her. She is gorgeous and a joy to be around but has some serious wrinkling near the area of injury. Even after 'cosmetic' surgery it is stil not 100% normal, but it did help a lot. I am planning on breeding her as I love her pedigree, she is structurally fine and other than the wrinkling gorgeous. This may ot be what is going on with your puppy, but in my experience this has been the only puppy I ever had with a knot on its head.

Re: Re: Cone Head

I have heard it referred to as the "Knowledge Knot"
In that reference it has nothing to do with anything wrong or an injury, as far as what it means developmentally, I am afraid you would have to ask those with more time in than I, Good luck though.

I have a little girl now that is 10 months old who has a very nice head, but you can certainly see why someone might refer to her little knot!

Re: Cone Head

Or smart bump

Re: Re: Cone Head

We've had a pup or two that had the cone head but as they matured it did flatten out into a beautiful head. Seemed to run in that line, this is a well known show line and not field lines.

Re: Cone Head

Ha ha, I had one girl who looked like a volcano was going to erupt out of the top of her head for a longggggg time, when she was two that knot finally flattened and she has the most gorgeous head, have patience! She had the most beautiful body and that is the only reason she stayed as long as she did without me giving up on her....

Re: Re: Cone Head

I find the ones with the "cone head" end up having a better head than the flat ones. The cone heads flatten and give a more broad skull.

Re: Re: Re: Cone Head

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I don't know how well you can see it, but this gal of mine has a VERY prominent one on the back of her head
Hubby kept asking if something was wrong and I told no..everythings just fine don't worry....he calls it a worry bump because he is worried it wont go away.
Silly silly