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Do you have a Lab free Zone?

I was wondering if anyone has a Lab free Zone in their house?

I jus made one room for a den. Papers stay in place! I like it but miss my Labs at my feet.

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

The guest bedroom!


Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

Yes, we have multiple "labrador free" zones. *Deep sigh* now if only I could convince the cat he is a Labrador!

Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

The formal living and dining rooms.

Re: Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

All formal rooms (living, dining, study, Florida room) and guest rooms are dog free (no gates or anything, they just know they aren't allowed in the front of the house) but they will greet anyone who comes to the front door in the foyer. Most friends enter through the side entrance anyway, and frankly, we live in the back of the house with our 6 dogs and cat! So dogs are always underfoot, but visitors don't usually make it to those areas unless they are dog people. Similarly, "dog friends" don't usually venture to the dog free zones since they are there to see the dogs!!!

It's nice when the MIL or other people come over-- they used to come with hair rollers in hand in the previous house!!!

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

The bathroom. But only 'cause that's where the cat box is. Installed a chain lock on it so the cat can come and go, but the dogs can't.

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

Only my guest bedroom is a lab free zone but that's only because it's where I hang my laundry to dry after it spins a little in the dryer. When I have guests come to visit it is no longer a lab free zone as the guests find it necessary to have 1 or 2 of the dogs sleep with them each night.

My kitchen is always gated so that I can keep my 16 month old out of trouble. She'll counter surf and steal anything that is the remote bit edible.

Aside from this, I like to have the dogs with me throughout the rest of the house. I can't imagine not having 3 of them stuffing themelves under the desk when I'm using my computer.


Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

Living room, dining room and one bedroom - and the cat pan pen in the basement, those areas belong to the cat, he dines in the dining room , sleeps in the bedroom, and most of the rest of the house has gone to the dogs!

Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

The only permanent dog free zone is the basement. The litter boxes are down NO DOGS ALLOWED! The rest of the house has gone to the dogs.....If I want the dogs out of the kitchen while I'm cooking I simply place a bottle of ear cleaner at the entrance to the kitchen and none of the dogs will pass! It works like a charm....If only it was that easy to keep my husband out of the kitchen while I'm cooking!

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

Melody your answer to keeping the dogs out of the kitchen made me laugh, I thought I was the only one that used the bottle of ear cleaner to keep the dogs at bay.
Never will you see a mass exodus of dogs that you do when the bottle of ear cleaner is in sight

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

I wish!!! LOL!!

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

My basement den with the leather furniture, unless
I ask them into it....that is my lab free zone...
and I have the new leather sofas in there.....
so, could have company down and do something with them.....but lately, it has been nice to invite
them down to watch TV with me and hang out on the
new carpeting....yes, I did that to dust
it and invite friends over......

Re: Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

That's too funny... I have an object that works in much the same way; a squirt gun believe it or not. Also works on the cats too, lol.

Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

Not at my house. Not even the bathroom. I have 7.

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

Yes- our 3 cats have the run of the upstairs, and the labs have the run of the downstairs (where we spend almost all of our waking hours when not working).

It definitely keeps the harmony- the cats can come/go as they please, but aren't always being "molested" by nosey dogs (and we don't have to worry about dogs getting into the litterbox or cat food). By having a "safety zone," the cats are able to have their private time eating or grooming, etc. without always having to look over their shoulders to make sure they won't get pounced on. It is important for cats to have this. Having said that, I've come home to at least one dog on a bed surrounded by 2 cats before...They really do get along better and better with each passing month!

Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

I couldn't even persuade mine to let me go to the bathroom alone and then I discovered a magic trick. I go in the bathroom and shake an aspirin bottle and they all run like hell and hide in their crates!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

The warden chihuahua doesn't allow any labs in the master bedroom. Unless on a leash to go directly in the crate. My kids allowed in every room. Wouldn't have it any other way.

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

Lab "free" zone? Of course!

My whole house is "free" to my labs...I don't charge them a thing!

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

The upstairs master bedroom and bath of our 1.5 story house. My husband doesn't appreciate dog hair everywhere, and I do have to say it is nice to not have to vaccum there all the time. But the rules change when he is away over night, then all the dogs get to sleep in the bed with me as a special treat. Just make sure to wash the bedding and vaccum well before he comes home! lol The dogs know how to keep a secret, so they know not to go up there when he is home.

Re: Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

If my hubby loves me he has to love dog hair. Also yes the ear cleaner is a sure way of not entering the human domain. Mine are like that.+ With much dog hair it keeps the relatives away to.

Re: Do you have a Lab free Zone?

We have two handwrought iron gates that bar the dogs from going beyond the kitchen into the TV room/formal living room and then also into hall/dining room. Dogs maybe taken upstairs but gates bar free run of the upstairs. Our kitchen is HUGE(Victorian farm house) and we spend a fair amount of time in it.