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Who makes this stuff up?

Example: your dogs should never see you cleaning up their poop, it may make them think they should eat it.
I had no idea after 16 years of breeding that I should of covered their eyes when I scooped! ( and no they don't eat it). Please no one should take offense as I am just using this one as an example, there are many more, and we have all heard them, and you can't say that they are true or not true, as you can't prove or disprove what a dog thinks.For fun, please add to the list of head scratching "dogisms" you have heard.

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

I've heard that about cleaning up poop as well, but referring to cleaning up indoor accidents. I heard it was a ranking matter???

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

"should have"

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

I was told to never give a Labrador any food made with birds (chicken, turkey, etc) or when you tried to hunt they would eat the birds instead of retrieving them. LOL

Re: Re: Who makes this stuff up?

I can pick my "pick" puppy at 6 weeks LOL (meaning breeders can decide which 4 puppies to keep by the time they are 6 weeks!! :):))

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

You guys laugh. When I go out to clean up poop my older girl will almost always accomodate me by leaving a fresh pile. I sometimes think she feels she is giving me something to do. LOL

Re: Re: Who makes this stuff up?

How about, if they ever get accidentally bred, from then on their puppies will be mixed breed even if they are bred to a labrador next time.

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

That's good, Judy! How about "That's sick - he would never have done that to her, he's her brother!"

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

Kind of on the same vein as never let your dogs see you scoop poop is Gardening with Canines. I have a friend who owns two of my retired girls who ONLY dig up her garden if they are in the yard with her when she plants! Go figure, the poor girl has been gardening in secrecy for the past 5 years!!

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

Good one, Greg! I have actually heard a version of that before: "She can't be pregnant, the only dog she is ever with is her brother!"
Kinda makes you wonder how people make it through sex ed in high school!!!

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

And how about, "She won't get pregnant, they had an outside tie!"

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

Robin, this thread is going to the dogs!!!

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

Obviously you haven't read much in the way of animal behavior. Dogs mimic human behavior. If they see you gathering poop they "could" surmise that it's something that they should have too. The same goes for digging. Mimicking isn't isolated to just dogs, a lot of different animals and birds do this.

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

And now we make sense. Thank you. :)

Re: Re: Who makes this stuff up?

I had someone tell me that their labrador got accidentally bred by another breed so she wasn't purebred anymore and they had to get rid of her. (HUH??) I was too dumbfounded to say anything to him.

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

I remember my grandmother telling me when I was younger that canned dog food gave them worms. Of course, that was back in the day when we had ken-L-ration and could have been true

Re: Who makes this stuff up?

Dogs with a very pronounced occiput are always smarter!