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Anyone affected by the bad weather in Ohio and out West?

Re: Weather

We in SoCal are experiencing the remnants of Hurricaine Dean from Mexico, since about 6 am PST. We are SOOOOOO happy to have rain for the first time in 4 months!
This was also the first time for my 4 & 1/2 month old puppies to experience: 1. rain, 2. LOUD thunder, and 3. Very bright flashes of lightning! Oooooh, scarey! They barked every time it thundered loud, so I got up, laughing at them, fed them, and let them out in the big yard, and it promptly started raining hard. I hung out with them for awhile, and made it fun instead of scarey, and they took it all in stride. We all went back in the house when the lightning flashed really bright all around us and a deafening peal of thunder sounded simultaneously! Then I was scared!!!
6 hours later, there's still a little rumbling here and there, and we got quite a bit of much-needed rain. It's all damp and clean-smelling, so nice!

Re: Weather

LOL Robin, you must be sending it north! I just got back from a weekend of shows in Santa Barbara. Today, while waiting to go into the ring, we had a few sprinkles, but so far no thunder and lightning. It would be nice to get some rain out here as it would help with the big fire that's been burning locally for the past month and half.

It's getting cloudier and cloudier, perhaps with day time warming, we may get some of the thunder and lightning and rain this afternoon! Well one could hope. I love this kind of weather though!
