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Pumpkin Anyone?

Has anyone heard of using pumpkin to cure the "runs" in our dogs. There is nothing worse than waking up to a messy crate in the morning!!! UGH.
I have been using flagyl for years. The pumpkin has been working recently on my labradors. I thought it was just a miracle. Then we used it on one of our smaller dogs the other morning and she puked all over my son like crazy. All over his face, clothes and my couch. After we cleaned the mess, we had quite a laugh. So now I am not so sure about the pumpkin. Any input? But, it sure has been big laugh around the house, that is for sure. When my kids tell me they are hungry I just ask them if they would like to have some pumpkin......

Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

I've heard that pumpkin can go both ways with a dog. If you use too much, it will back fire! But just a teaspoon seems to work wonders.

Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

The fibre in pumpkin regulates intestinal transit naturally. If you want a natural remedy for loose stools, then it would probably be wiser to add one of the moisture-absorbing products like grated quince or sugar beet. During the quince season, we always freeze some in case of necessity.

Actually, some highly advertised dog foods always contain sugar beet which "dries out" stools and use the consistency as a sales argument (easy pick-up). People are then horrified when they change diets, or feed natural food, to see their dogs making cow piles for a few days until the intestin adjusts. We avoid feeding such products on a daily basis and reserve them for cases of diarrhoea, otherwise it's like feeding anti-diarrheic medicine to babies so their pampers never get gunky!

Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

I use plain canned pumpkin when my dogs have the runs. It has always worked for them. I give 2 heaping teaspoons. My dogs rarely get constipated, but I have used it for that once or twice as well and it does work both ways.

Re: Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

JP, you're brilliant! Listen up folks, she knows a lot

Re: Re: Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

CB - Believe me, not a day passes that I don't realise how little I know!!!

Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

I use dried pumpkin powder. It goes a long way and is always there if I need it.

Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

Flagyl is a fairly strong medicine, and if you are giving it for diarhea I would want to make sure that they actually had something that requires it. I would believe that pumpkin helps to regulate stools because of it's fiber content and can help control either loose stools or constipation. I give it to my one dog that has occassional trouble with constipation.

Re: Re: Pumpkin Anyone?

Where does one get this?

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Replying to:

I use dried pumpkin powder. It goes a long way and is always there if I need it.