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Interceptor and whip worms

I have had all of my dogs on Interceptor for about three years now, ever since a dog from FL was shipped to me--she had them and then my guys started getting infected.

So, I have a 7-month old pup that is pretty lean. Saw evidence of tapeworms, and took care of that. Still lean, while feeding lots of kibble.

Took in a stool sample wondering if I had coccidia or something else that might be affecting absorption. Diagnosis: WHIP WORMS!! Norvartis is paying for her treatment with Panacure and for a follow-up fecal in two months.

The frustration is that I THOUGHT the product was supposed to control the worms. Now I find out that they can become re-infected as soon as 7-10 days after dosing.

The re-test is to see if it was a product failure or just a heavy exposure.

Has anyone else had this experience with Interceptor? I guess we are working under a false sense of security--maybe heartguard and regular wormings with Panacure would be just as effective (and possibly cheaper)?

You can email me privately.



Re: Interceptor and whip worms

had a similar problem but it was round worms, every mointh after giving interseptor she'd pass round worms the day after.I hasd to do the panacur too. I think I am going to put her on heart guard plus don't have a problem with it with the other dogs. She is the only one I had on interceptor.

Re: Interceptor and whip worms

I had a puppy buyer go through the same thing. Instead of a 4 week cycle on Interceptor, her vet had her go through a 3 week cycle which seemed to keep the problem at bay. She now has all her dogs on a 3 week cycle with Interceptor and hasn't had whips since.

Re: Interceptor and whip worms

Once a month heartworm medication only kills for one day(not 30)preventing maturation of the immature stages of the parasite to prevent the adult heartworm. Don't forget to give your monthly dose of heartworm medication or the larva can mature to the point where your monthly heartworm dose won't be effective in killing them.

Re: Re: Interceptor and whip worms

The heartguard dose for heartworms isn't strong enough to get whips either.