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reading pedigrees

A comment on here a few weeks ago has prompted this post. Judy Heim said to someone they really knew how to read a pedigree after they made a comment about a certain bitch that is back behind a certain dog. I don't know who the bitch/dog involved were and it doesn't matter. I would love to hear discussed how to read pedigrees and how far back to look and what to look for and which dogs/bitches to especially look at. (i.e. grandparents, great grandparents, etc.)

Re: reading pedigrees

I look at a pedigree when I see a dog that I like to see what the breeding is. I started by just reading old pedigrees over and over again. You can apply what you have studied to the dogs you see at shows, whether they are your type or not, whether you like them or not. It helps to go to big shows like the Potomac, so you can observe lots of dogs at the same time. It is harder to tell from pictures, but since we have so much access to them - I would start by scanning lots of kennels and dogs that you like and see what their pedigrees are comprised of. There are also seminars on breeding that point out the strength of the generations. I like to really know who the dogs are in the pedigree to see if they have had an effect on the outcome.