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San Antonio - a response for tourists and non residents.

From Responsible Pet Owners Alliance,
the reasonable voice regarding animal issues in Texas.
Responsible Pet Owners Alliance is an animal welfare organization,
not "animal rights" and, yes, there is a difference.
Permission granted to crosspost.

Action Alert!
Please forward and crosspost.
August 27, 2007

Responsible Pet Owners Alliance needs the help of everyone who has ever
visited or plans to visit San Antonio, Texas, as a tourist, sports fan,
participant in dog shows (conformation, breed or performance events),
participant in cat shows or any other event held in San Antonio.

Please contact the San Antonio Convention and Tourist Bureau (below) and
tell them if the proposed revisions to San Antonio's Chapter 5 Animal
Ordinance pass, you will no longer visit San Antonio because you travel with
your animals and won't consider the city to be "pet friendly" anymore.
You could say:

1) I will no longer participate in nor attend any animal events in the
city, such as the River City Cluster of Dog Shows, Alamo City Cluster of Dog
Shows and the Alamo City Cat Club Show or will refrain from spending any
money within the city limits to do so.

2) I will not vacation in San Antonio with my pets.

3) I do not wish to spend money in any city that discourages pet ownership
and has no understanding of the human/animal bond.

4) I will consider San Antonio a hostile environment, angry at anyone who
owns or breeds animals.

5) San Antonio will join the ranks of Los Angeles, CA; Denver, CO, and
other anti-pet cities in the US.

Send to:
Scott White, Executive Director
Convention & Visitors Bureau
203 S St. Mary's
San Antonio, TX 78205

FAX: (210) 207-6768

Also "cc" a copy to:
Mayor Phil Hardberger
FAX: (210) 207-4168

For more information about this ordinance proposal, visit our web site: and click on the "Action Alert!."

Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
900 NE Loop 410 #311-D
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 822-6763
Fax: (210) 822-9038
Website: www. responsiblepetowners. org
$15 Annual dues (January - December)
To share information, subscribe or unsubscribe,
send an e-mail message to rpoa @