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OFA follow up studies

Found this on the OFA website and thought it was worth sharing....

In an effort to generate further aggregate long term follow up data, effective immediately, the OFA is offering a new resubmission service.

Similar to the OFA’s preliminary or consultation process, Follow-Up Studies will only be read once, by the OFA’s board-certified in house veterinary radiologist and owners will be sent a report with the findings. The results from these “Follow-Up Studies” will not alter or risk the earlier official OFA consensus reading on which the animal may have received a hip/elbow number. The fee for this service is $15.00. To submit, simply follow the normal OFA hip submission process, and clearly write the words ‘FOLLOW UP STUDY’ at the top of the application.

The primary benefits are twofold: the OFA will generate additional information on changes in hip status over the lifetime of the animal, and owners will benefit from the same information without risking the earlier rating assigned by the OFA.

Re: OFA follow up studies

I can't find the info on their you have a specific url??

Re: OFA follow up studies

Sure, here you go...

Re: OFA follow up studies

Wonder if the results are better in the follow up if they would alter them? Or if you could send them in as a follow up and then if they come back better, resubmit again to have them read by 3 vets and get a better rating (whos to say the three would agree with the one though)