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Put to sleep at Vets

Someone a few years ago told me that a very well known breeder maybe the most well known breeder tells her Vet to euthanize any of her dogs that have hips or elbows that won't pass. In essence she says anestisize them for xrays then just don't let them wake up if their hips look bad.
Do you think this is believable? I would never have the nerve to ask such a breeder this question nor would I expect an honest answer from many breeders.
I find it hard to believe though due to the fact that the woman who told me has a rep for rumors...she goes by the name Slounce....I'm not even sure if she is still in Labs. I hope this is just another one of her horrible lies.

Re: Put to sleep at Vets

this was brought here awhile back and I also questioned it? It appears to be the case according to those close to the situation. I was surprised that a Vet would do this

I have a hard enough time dealing with my own life and problems without trying to figure out what makes other folks "tick", guess it really does take all kinds to make the world go round

Remember to believe little to none of what you hear

Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

I'm not trying to figure out what makes anyone tick I guess I am wondering how common this practice is and if this is the norm for large breeders with lots of stock. I betcha it happens more than we know.
I beleive nothing that I hear and I do mean nothing.

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Replying to:

this was brought here awhile back and I also questioned it? It appears to be the case according to those close to the situation. I was surprised that a Vet would do this

I have a hard enough time dealing with my own life and problems without trying to figure out what makes other folks "tick", guess it really does take all kinds to make the world go round

Remember to believe little to none of what you hear

Re: Put to sleep at Vets

I have heard this routine is done by many, many old time breeders. So believe it!

Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

If you are looking for flames you have got mine!!
Number one, breeders do NOT Euthanize their
animals that have HD or any other heritable
disease. They Sell them to pet homes, Sad
but true.

Also, There is not a reptuable Veterinarian
that would Euthanize a dog because it's hips
looked bad!!! There are so many other options!

Do you not have anything better do do on a
Sunday afternoon?

Re: Put to sleep at Vets

Then this brings us back around to the "Limit" thread. What if the puppy needed $6000 of orthopedic surgery for 2 total hip replacements, or something similar to live a pain-free life. Do most long-time breeders pay this, then spend 4 months rehabbing the puppy, then giving him away for free as he's got life-long orthopedic issues? Sorry, but I'm not made of money and if my choice is feeding my kids or doing that kind of surgery for a young dog, THEN giving him away, I'd opt for feeding the kids.

And I don't want to hear "if you don't have that kind of money, then don't have dogs" - that's just BS. There are very few people here who have an unlimited amount of money to spend.

Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

I don't know about HD, but I do know of some breeders that have euthanized puppies for having heart murmurs. I'm sure there are breeders out there that at least do that.

Re: Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

Why don't we talk about something more pleasant on a Sunday afternoon. I really don't want to know all the bad stuff. Lets just do the best we all can and think of the animals. Lets me thankful to be the people lucky enough to live with Labs. Hard to believe it but some don't even own a dog. Wow, what are they missing !

Re: Re: Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

To me issues like this are kinda like the topic we brought up about "culling" where many were upset at the usage of the word and claimed that the word was not used to mean "kill".
As I said then, certainly most would not interpret it that way,and many now use it to mean "remove from the breeding program" but it is sticking your head in the sand to pretend there are not people out there that do not still do such things, even in our loved breed.

I don't blame someone who hearing these rumors just wants to know if it might in fact be going on.

I am still learning myself, and there are often questions I have that I am embarrassed to ask, but still wish I knew the answer to:)

If it were me...if I had heard the rumor and it concerned someone I knew, I would go to great lengths to ask the person, embarrassing or not if it was true. If it was true, even if they don't admit it, you have just alerted them that others know and maybe that will deter them from the practice. If it is true and you are worried that you will now have made some sort of bad impression on them, I ask you to think about why you would care?

If it is not true, they deserve to know someone is telling untruths about them for one thing, and for another you have shown yourself to be willing to go directly to the source rather than to be another person spreading rumors that might not only be untrue but that could really harm someone.
Even here with the anonymity of the internet, using peoples on line handles etc could still cause great harm. I don't know who the person is, but maybe someone else might put two and two together and you might be the one taking the blame for causing someone harm if it turns out this was nothing more than someones attempt to be malicious about a breeder they were jealous of.

So in essence, I guess to me, how you choose to handle the info can show alot about who you are, not just who they are.

Re: Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

Oh you don't know how wrong you are!

Re: Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

yeah, they do....

Re: Re: Put to sleep at Vets

How about we drop this thread, get the dogs out of the kennel and play some ball with them?? Much more worthy endeavor than worrying about what others are doing or not doing.

Re: Put to sleep at Vets

Nuf of this please. I will not come back to this post again. It's depressing true or not.

How come some of you keep going on about a subject that was asked to be dropped?

For those of us not interested in this I guess we need to ignore this posting once again.

Re: Put to sleep at Vets

Why post this except to stir up trouble and emotions? Because you are a TROLL!!! Just ignore it and it will go away.