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Junior Showmanship at the National in October .....

The LRC, Inc. Junior committee is providing tote bags that will be given to every Junior entered at the National this year. We inaugurated this idea last year, and it was a huge hit with the kids. No one left the ring empty handed whether they placed or not. We want the National experience to be a positive one for our Junior exhibitors and when each child receives a ‘gift’ just for trying their best, they do feel better about themselves. We hope that they will exit the ring feeling good about what they did, even if they leave without a ribbon.

Last year, the Junior bags were donated by various people who made up the ‘Friends of Junior Showmanship’. Like last year, donations collected this year will help purchase the tote bag gifts and their contents that will be given to every Junior who is entered.

We would appreciate any and all donations to help cover our expenses. If you donate early, I have until Sept. 12 to submit a list of donors whose names will be printed in the catalog. Donations received after Sept. 12 will be noted as 'Friends of Junior Showmanship'. Please contact me privately if you would like to support our Juniors at the National this year.

Jo-Anne Jace

Hope to see you in Hillsboro!

Thank you in advance.
