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Get my girl pregnant

I am new in this, my girl will start her heath any day now.
So, please, can some of the experts of the forum explain or tell me a way to assure that the AI will be done the days she is ovulating.

Here in my Country, they just do the AI every other day starting on day 10, give or take.

How do you know when she is ovulating and make that day or those days the AI so she gets pregnant.

I hope I wrote my english right.

Thank you

Re: Get my girl pregnant

Do you have progesterone testing in your country? The testing of your girl's blood to determine when she is ovulating? ARe there any canine reproductive vets that could assist you?

Re: Get my girl pregnant

Thank you.

There are some vets that are learning.

Well, I can do the blood testing for progesterone in a human lab and say is human, I heard this somewhere, what does the progesterone tells you?, do you have to do the blood test every day?

Re: Re: Get my girl pregnant


Contact the Cornell Diagnostic Lab, Upper Tower Road, Ithaca, NY 14853. Phone: 607-253-3900. I don't have an email for them. Maybe they can point your vets in the right direction. They want vets to learn the proper technique. Good luck.

Re: Re: Re: Get my girl pregnant

Or maybe to and they have clinics all over that you could pull the blood and send to them for a time to breed.

Re: Get my girl pregnant

Wherever or however you're able to get her blood drawn for progesterone, do it, usually starting around day 6-7 of her cycle. You're looking for her Progesterone level to get to 5.0. At this level, she is ovulating. Strategic breeding times are 2 days and 4 days AFTER she reaches a 5.0 on her progesterone.

After she's been inseminated, hold her bottom up in your lap while you're sitting in a chair for about 10 minutes, this holds the semen in and gives you a better chance for fertilization. Then, crate her for 3-4 hours afterwards. Don't let her pee before you put her in the crate, potty her before you do the insemination.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!!

Re: Get my girl pregnant

Dear Carlo;
I am not an expert but if you can't progesterone test in your home country make sure you AI every other day for 2 weeks. Some bitches ovulate later than others. It can be as late as over 3 weeks into her heat cycle; each bitch is different. You want to cover her as best as you can. Does anyone have a microscope so she can be swabbed vaginally to look for cornification?

I am hoping it all works out well for you. Your English is fantastic!

Re: Re: Get my girl pregnant

You can get progesterone kits at They are user friendly. It's better than nothin.

Re: Re: Get my girl pregnant

I have heard that the human progesterone test might differ from the canine progesterone test. Anyone else?
I start my testing at approximately day 8-9, counting your girl's first day of bleeding as day 1. Depending on the number you receive, depends on when to have the next progesterone test run. Do you plan on using your own stud or shipping semen? The progesterone number that you are looking for is 5.0
At that number, you will know that your girl has ovulated. If you are breeding naturally or a fresh AI, breed her 24 hours after 5.0 and again 24-48 hours after your first breeding.
If you are shipping cooled semen, breed her 48 hours after 5.0 and again 24 to 48 hours after that.

I agree Carlos, you should contact George Govette at Clone, Inc. Here is the website URL:
The site has George's contact information on it. George will be able to tell you whether there is someone in your area that can assist you.

Good Luck and many healthy puppies!

Re: Re: Re: Get my girl pregnant

This is another good idea. Keeps you from doing AI'S for two weeks. Looks like that would be taking a chance of infection for your girl. The Camelot kit is easy. I took mine to my Vet to use the first couple of times. They pull the blood and spin it down so why not do it all. Its about 12 samples for $100. Just do it every other day after you start. And it you are shipping in react a little early.