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Finding out winning record???

Does anyone know of a web site that has the akc winnings of a akc dog. I have the dogs registered number and wanted to check to see it's accomplishments. Can anyone help? TIA

Re: Finding out winning record???

AKC store, points and awards option.

Re: Finding out winning record???

You have to purchase it for $8.

Go to, then go to the Store, the Reports, then Points and Awards. At some point you'll have to log in, so if you don't have a login already, you'll have to create one.

Re: Finding out winning record???

You don't have to purchase it, but can generate and online report. Same place where you would buy it, but you do have to log in.

Re: Re: Finding out winning record???

I think the only freebies are the points progression/awards area, but not the actual winning record to see who the judge was or what show it was. But I could be wrong

Re: Finding out winning record???

To check a dog's points, it is free, but to have the actual report showing all the shows the dog has ever won ribbons at, you do have to pay for this report. It includes the name and date of show, placement, points won (if any) and judge.

Hope this helps.


Re: Re: Finding out winning record???

If you belong to My Infodog, you can look up a dogs record, but only for the MB-F shows.