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Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

I cry through the whole thing, each time I watch it!!
It is FABULOUS and I'm saving it!! Thanks again!!

Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

I too, loved the video. I just lost one of my old boys and my twin boy's dog. They loved him and played with him much as the little boy did in the video. So many memories flooded back to me. Thank you Judy, for the thoughfulness to post something so poignant!

Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

I thank you too.

Reminds me of my old girl Abbey (Ruffy daughter) who was so wonderful with children. Let them climb all over her. Would go up and give them kisses only to steel pacifiers out of their mouths LOL.

I shared this video on another board (of mostly pet owners)and all my puppy buyers and everyone was teary eyed as I was.

Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

I missed the link via this Forum but saw it elsewhere and it did bring a tear to my eye!!!

Below is a link to a 10 m/o male and his "almost" 2 y/o human boy, it's this "feedback" from ppl that makes up for the heart ache we all experience?

Jerzy and friend

Re: Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

What a great video....thank you or sharing....

Re: Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

So sweet, Bev!!!

Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

That is the very definition of LAB.

Re: Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

That was the most precious boy and his dog! The dog reminds me of my "Sailor" noble, patient, tolerant, sweet and handsome! Did you look at the little tiny Crocs on the little boy's feet? How cute....
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful video with us!

Re: Re: Judy Heim~ Thank you for posting that video!

What is really interesting about that video is that the dog does not look old . In fact he looks pretty young and yet look at that great gentle temperament.