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Prayers Needed For Drifter....

I am sad to inform you that Drifter (some of you may know him) is in the animal hospital, and is looking bad.
This morning I fed the dogs, and did everything normally, Drifter was normal at that time. About an hour later, he was found unconsious, on the ground, and panting very, very hard, not moving, and not coming to at all.
He would not move, and was not consious at all. We tried calling him and coaxing him to get up, but nothing. We immediatly called th e vet and rushed him off the the animal hopstial. He was not able to walk, or even 'come to' at all, so they carried him inside with a stretcher.
After about a half hour the vet wanted to see us, he informed us, that he was basically 'stumped' at what this could have been caused by.
The vet thinks it either could be, something neuorological (either he was born with a disease, or trauma to the brain), possibly Epilespy, but he has no history of it, nor in his lines, the vet said he doesn't think that's it though, since the seizure is lasting this long, and is so sudden without warning, which is not common.
Or the vet said he could've been hit, or fallen off of something, we ruled those two things out, since we have nothing he could fall from, and we certainly don't hit, or let anyone or thing hit our dogs.
He also suggested maybe snail poisoning, but we don't even have that, so we ruled that out as well.

We, and the vet have absolutly no clue to what have caused this. The vet cannot do any tests, since he doesn't know what he is even looking for. Drifter is still in the vets office, he has been unconsious for about 6.5 hours. His heartbeat, temp are all in perfect check, so why the unconsiousness??! His breathing slowed a slight notch, but has risen again.
The vet has put him on an IV catheter, and is waiting for the next thing, whatever it may be. He has not improved nor worsened since we have taken him in.

All we can do is pray now. The vet says he might not make it, he doesn't know. He might live, it's all just time now.
We are very, very saddend by this, and hope there can be some way of putting a happy end to it.

Please keep our Drifter boy in your Prayers and thoughts today....


Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

Good thoughts on the way for both you and your boy. Hopefully it is a good sign that he is stable at this point and not worsening. I hope the tide turns for the better soon.

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

I am so sorry to read that Drifter is unwell.

We will keep both Drifter and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Re: Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

Your boy Drifter will be in my prayers tonight.
I hope things turn around for him.


Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

I am so sorry to hear about Drifter. I will be thinking about both of you and I sure hope Drifter pulls through ok.

Re: Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

God bless Drifter. My heart goes out to you and prayers for him.

Re: Re: Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

All good thoughts and prayers for your Drifter boy! Prayers as well for you as you wait.

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

I know a few Drifters...please share his reg name...Thanks so much

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

prayers headed your way
barb and the raptor labs

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

OMG, Hillary...I am so sorry to hear this! I'm sending out prayers and healing throughts for your boy.

Has your vet considered meningitis? Is bloodwork okay? I would be tempted to get him to a neurologist. How far away from UC, Davis are you guys?

(((Hugs))), Julie

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

Prayers your boy will recover and be ok, keep us posted on how he is doing and what they find out it was. God Bless!

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

Get him to a Specialty Hospital or Teaching Hospital NOW, even if it's a two-hour drive. Sorry but waiting for the next thing to happen and not doing any testing is wasting precious time to diagnose and treat the problem.
Do not waste any more time with a vet that is not doing anything. Prayers help, but this dog needs some more aggressive help to come out of this. Something is seriously wrong, and you need to find out WHAT. It could be a meningitis, or brain infection, or heart disease, all of which can be treated with aggressive treatment. Email me privately if you wish.




If you are in N. Calif I can tell you at 24 hour 7 day a week hospital to take him to that is a specialty practice and they have more than one neurologist on staff and also several other specialist of all types. They really are wonderful. You will have to email me privately though, I believe as I am not sure it would be appropriate to list the name on the forum.

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

What about flea products?

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

Just checking in to see how Drifter is doing, any improvement in his condition?

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

Oh how awful. And not knowing the cause - even worse.

I would get him to a specialist and I would definatelly do blood work. Vet doesn't know what he is looking for? blood work might tell him something.

Prayers to St. Francis (keeper of the animals) for sweet Drifter.

I'm also thinking cat scan or MRI?

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

This sounds so awful, very sorry. Can you afford a Cat Scan or MRI? I know these are expensive, but I wonder about a possible brain tumor, or stroke? Keeping prayers going for poor Drifter and you.

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

Maybe he ate a poisonous plant or berry? They can cause neurological symptoms and August is when the berries start (they are more poisonous when they are green).

Re: Prayers Needed For Drifter....

definitely recommend a neurological consult - what about tick paralysis? polyradiculoneuritis ? (sp?)