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Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

A few months back, people were saying that their dogs were becoming ill in some water in I think the Michigan area.
Does anybody remember what the symptoms and problems were and where the dogs were becoming ill? Wish my memory was better

Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

blue algae

Re: Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

Ah, that's it!! Thanks Laura

Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

Actually, that case that was reported about blue-green algae turned out not to be correct. There was an abnormality in the dog that got sick and it was coincidental that it happened to swim that day.

My dogs did pick-up a bacterial staph infection from some really gross mud in the ponds that I had been field training in. Put them on antibiotic and 4 of the dogs cleared up w/ no problem. I'm still struggling with the last dog, but it's improving.

Re: Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

There are lakes around my area that have lots of geese frequent them. When the population gets out of control and the weather's been hot, the water gets too much bacteria. If people, or dogs swim in it they can get what we call "duckage". It's yucky!

Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

a dog I sold as a pet died at a young age of 8 due to swimming in bad water in Lake St Clair area. They figure he had e-coli, and he was never really well again. Four years of expensive vet visits and they finally put him down. It does happen.

Re: Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

Let's not forget the guy who fell into the Rouge river and died of Lepto a few years back.

Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

We had a number of ponds closed in NH this summer because of blue green algae.

Re: Michigan, skanky water and bacterial disease

With the severe drought here in the mid-Atlantic region, streams are virtually dry, springs are mud holes and ponds have depleted. The bacteria build up can be intense, algae and other goodies bloom and run rampant. Make sure that the dogs are current on their Lepto 4 way shots, rinse off the mud, duckweed and other "clingies" and be sure to flush ears and eyes after going into the mud/water.