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Several months ago, the story of Eleanor Herrick and Reno
was on several dog forums/breeder websites. Is it possible to get
an update on the situation? Thank you.

Re: Reno/Eleanor Herrick update? Anyone?

Re: Reno

I asked Eleanor about her situation and she replied...

I'm touched that people remember and are still asking about it. No, after consulting several attorneys, all said it would be long, hard, expensive, and I really had no assurance that I'd win.

I did manage to get the town to raise the limit from two per household to three. Still doesn't work for me, but we seem to have worked out a "don't ask, don't tell" way of living together for the time that I'll be stuck here. Reno and the others who didn't stay are all in great homes where they are well loved and cared for, and I am kept updated regularly on how they're doing through emails, photos, and get togethers. Typical dogs of good temperament - I miss them more than they miss me.

Many thanks to those who are keeping me and the dogs in their thoughts.


Re: Re: Reno

Thank you so much, Gina. While I am sad that Eleanor and all of her
dogs aren't together, I am very happy to learn that she is in touch with
the families who are loving and caring for them so well, and that she
even gets to see them.

Thank you again for passing on Eleanor's reply.