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It was a good day!

Hi all,

I just wanted to share what a good day I had today! The sun is shining, not too hot, the air is crisp and clean, and enjoying the company of good friends! What could be better!

Hope everyone can enjoy the little things in life. Life it too short for bickering, nit picking and negativity!

Have a good week!


Re: It was a good day!

How refreshing to hear someone enjoy the simple things in life that we sometimes take for granted. I was just thinking of how wonderful my house smells at the kitchen is full of freshly baked goodies for the PRLRC Specialty "Bowser Buffet" The end to a perfect day!

Re: Re: It was a good day!

Thank you so much for taking the time to post something so positive.
It is a great day and reading your post put a smile on my face.


Re: It was a good day!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
(And not just for Mr. Rogers' neighbors.)

Lovely here as well - thanks for the positive post!

Re: It was a good day!

I can't let such a wonderfully positive post go by with only three responses, can I??? It is indeed a positively gorgeous day here in Denver - clear skies, a bit of a crisp bite to the morning air with a promise of 80-ish by the afternoon. If this holds for our Specialty we'll all be thrilled - dogs, exhibitors, and judges alike! It's next weekend - 29th and 30th - so keep your fingers crossed!

Re: Re: It was a good day!

I took a nice walk with my bitch, Sadie, this morning. I can't think of a better way to start my day!!

Re: It was a good day!

A lovely day here in PA as well. Beautiful sunshine today. Nice cool evening. And my old girl Susie, who will be 15 on 9/24, is feeling quite perky and be boping around. Makes my heart smile!!

It is nice to see positive posts!


Re: It was a good day!

Lovely day here too! It is cool, Fall is in the air, and it is softly raining at 9:50 at night. PERFECT Labbie weather! Butt-tucks all around.

Re: It was a good day!

Aww it's good to be home after spending a few days away-dogless! LOL I just wanted to say that it is nice to see that others also enjoy the little things and it was fun to share them.

LOL Thanks Margaret now I have Mr. Roger's song in my head! It is still a beautiful day in the neighborhood here, though we are being threatened with some of Shelley's rain. It's a nice time, kind of a change in the seasons here in California. I do love the rain as everything is nice and clean afterwards. I was able to get some good play time in with my labbies this morning before the clouds moved in. It was good to see the dogs again. The friends I visited the past few days are not doggy people, though their son was babysitting a Chihuahua if you can call that a dog! So at least I had a somewhat reminder of what dogs are like.

Melody I hope your Bowser Buffet is a huge success. Even if it weren't human goodies baking, it still does fill the room with nice smells. I will sometimes bake birthday cakes for my guys and just the smell of the honey and flour baking, fills the house with a nice warm fuzzy smell. LOL

Good luck with the weather and your specialty Gregg!

Thanks to all for sharing your little enjoyments! Have a great weekend!
