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Endurance supplement?

I noticed in a few posts that some of you use Endurance as a supplement. Can thoses of you who use it give some more information about it? Thanks so much.

Re: Endurance supplement?


Here's the web site that explains what it is and the ingredients. It's produced by Wendy Volhard, I believe.

I started my almost 3 year old girl on it about 9 months ago. She has slight allergies so I had to eliminate everything to try and find the cause (still can't). She had no Endurance for about 6 months. I had some left over so restarted her on it.

Within a couple of days, her energy level went way up. I didn't notice this the first time I gave it to her but this time it was significant. The ingredient list seems excellent. If you have any comments (or anyone else) after viewing the ingrediens list, I would be interested in hearing them.

You sprinkle it on their food according to weight. I feed a high quality food so I actually give a bit less than the recommended amount. With water, it mixes like a gravy. My girl loves it (of course, she would also love rubber tires if we gave her those to eat!!).

Hopes this helps.

Re: Endurance supplement?

Either that link doesn't work or her service is down.

Re: Re: Endurance supplement?

Here it is again...

I just tried it and it came right up for me....

Don't know a great deal about computers so can't help you with that.

Re: Endurance supplement?

Thanks. It worked that time. Must be a bug.

Re: Endurance supplement?

Systemic yeast (overgrowth of yeast in the gut) has been suspect in many dog conditions including "alergies" and atopic dermatitis. I have read in a few places that because of this, yeast shouldn't be given. Get rid of, or prevent the systemic yeast to see improvement in skin.

Re: Re: Endurance supplement?

I started using Endurance about 9 months ago on my black bitch. There was a noticeable difference in her coat. She gleams!!! I also think she has more stamina. I just started my 10 week old pup on it too.