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Eye tumor

Anyone have any experience with these? It is a benin one and vet said the dog will CERF with it and it is a pretty common problem in labs??? Been breeding labs for 27 years and haven't seen one yet with it so this is a new one, it does need to be removed so it won't grow and render the dog blind.

Re: Eye tumor

My mom's dog had one when he was about 9 which was actually cancerous. He had to go to Cornell to get it taken care of. He's still going strong at age 12.

Re: Re: Eye tumor

Dr. Riis( retired except for ocassional eye clinics) checks for these very carefully and especially in dogs with a darkly pigmented iris. He told me that they can be hiding in there and some are malignant melanoma.

Re: Eye tumor

I have had this problem in one of my girls. Her's is cancer, but the specialist said that it was not going to spread. Her's is on the top of the eye itself. It has gotten larger and I am probably going to have to have the eye taken out. The eye specialist did say that it wasn't genetic or anything like that and I could breed her. Which I haven't and probably will not. Like you haven't heard of this at all or had this problem.
I found out about it at the cerf. clinic, they wouldn't pass her and told me to take her to the specialist. It is on the top part of the eye, if she looks down and you hold her lid you can see it. That is all I know and am very sad about the whole thing.

Re: Re: Eye tumor

I lost my Dad to a malignant melanoma behind the eye, which had gone misdiagnosed as a cataract for 18 months. The eye was removed, but another 18 months later the cancer had spread to his liver and we lost him.

Second opinions might be in order for these things, just to "make sure."

Good luck and keep us posted.

Re: Re: Eye tumor

Sounds like the one my girl had, it looked like a second colored part of the eye was growing there and we t hought it was a birth defect, she had the tumor removed yesterday to save the eyeball as if they eyeball could be saved that was my first option cause I didn't want her to have only one eye, surgery was successful but very expensive verses eyeball removal, 1850.00 bucks, we are waiting the pathology report to come back now. Pray it's benin like she thought it was please. I was told it would CERF and it did and it was not heriditary at all.

Re: Re: Re: Eye tumor

My thoughts and prayers are with your girl, Jackie.

I think you did the right and responsible thing for her. Good for you, I'm sure she'll thank you for it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Eye tumor

Thank you Linda, I did the only thing I thought was right, couldn't see letting her loose an eye when I could hopefully prevent it.... eye doc gave me the choice to do the removal or the tumor removal but wouldn't know till she had her under if she could just get the tumor and I told her if she could get the tumor than take it out if not leave the eyeball till it rendered her blind as long as it wasn't going to cause her pain...