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Speaking of eyes

Speaking of eyes--- I had my eyes cerfed and the optomitrist said I have the very beginning of cataracts, but they aren't juvenile cataracts because I'm way too old!

Re: Speaking of eyes

Have the surgery -- take it from me, it's a new lease on life. All of a sudden, colors are bright and joyous!

Re: Speaking of eyes

Both my Mother and my Hubby have had "their eyes done" and are happy with the results!!

Re: Speaking of eyes

But can they change my brown eyes to blue?

Re: Re: Speaking of eyes

This thread reminds me that I'm due for an eye exam myself and a new set of bi-focals! LOL!

Cathy M.

Re: Speaking of eyes

My older sister told me a few years ago: HOPE you get cataracts, cuz if you have full eye insurance (she did and I do) they will do lazer surgery for the cataracts and cover lazer vision at the same time! Yes, everyone in my family has terrible vision...

Re: Speaking of eyes

I use mono vision contacts instead of bifocals and love them. I do have a pair of progressive lenses but love the contacts.

BTW sorry to hear you didn't pass your CERF and best of luck if you go with the surgery.