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Where would one purchase a wicket? Can you measure your dogs height with an ordinary yard stick. Appreciate all responses.

Re: Wicket

Hi Annie, I am Annie too:)
I have been told that official wickets are very expensive and not easily obtained and to go to my local club to wicket.
I have found some online that are cheap.
I have been warned not to count on the measurements being the same as what may be measured at a show though.
A yardstick isn't exact, but I have been told by a long time breeder it is still a good way to get an idea. The recommendation was to walk up on them when they are in the right stance and just see where they fall on your own leg and measure your leg:) I have found it alot easier than trying to keep my dogs still while holding onto a yardstick they would like to chew, but I have younger dogs so maybe yours will be more willing to sit still!
Best Wishes,

Re: Wicket

I have used a T-square and found it to be extremely accurate. Can be found at many artist supply places.

Re: Re: Wicket

Thank you for your responses to my question. I'll givem a try.