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Show a Pregnant B*tch?

As a new breeder, I don't want to do anything to jeopardize a just been bred b*tch who I hope will become pregnant. Do you show up to a certain time or not show at all? What are the risks? Please advise! TIA

Re: Show a Pregnant B*tch?

Do not show her pregnant, she can pick up all kinds of things at the dog shows that could kill her pups or infect them with something once born, that is a no no .

Re: Show a Pregnant B*tch?

I don't bring the pregnant girls anywhere except the vets'.

Re: Show a Pregnant B*tch?

I've done it once, right after she was bred, and everything worked out fine - healthy litter. But then again, I travel a lot of the time and if she's not exposed to stuff directly, she's exposed indirectly through me or the other dogs. And I travel with pregnant bitches all the time - I just put her x-pen on "virgin territory" right near the car to minimize problems.

The big question is: "How important is this show?" If your bitch has 14 points and needs a single point to finish, it's a different situation than if she's got one or two points, and you are looking at another one or two point show.

Re: Re: Show a Pregnant B*tch?

I personally don’t show mine if they are in whelp but I see them in the ring all the time. I saw a bitch that was probably 10 days away from her due date finish her championship.
I won’t take mine to shows if they are grossly swollen in heat. It allows bacteria to enter the vagina to easily.
I also have known a breeder that showed her bitch while in heat and nearly lost her due to a severe uterine infection when she was AI’ed her bitch nearly died.
I advise against it ..Strongly! JMO