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She wont eat! Post pardem depression?

I have a girl that had a litter 10 weeks ago, and now she wont eat.

Before welping she always wanted to eat, she wouldnt let you have her miss a meal.

Now she doesnt want to eat, she eat ok while she was nursing the puppies but after we tried to ween the puppies and drie out her milk she started losing her appetite.

Now she wont eat her kibble and will only eat canned food, if we mix it together she will eat around the kibble

Re: She wont eat! Post pardem depression?

I have had girls in the past all of a sudden not like what they had always eaten. You may want to try a new food for her and slowly introduce. I would not give too much canned food. She may get "hooked" on that.

Re: Re: She wont eat! Post pardem depression?

I agree, watch the canned food, they really get spoiled quickly on it and it's not all that nutritionally balanced. You might try soup broth on her kibble, a new kibble, or another kibble sprinkled around her old kibble, things like that. Just start out with about a cup, and really gradually work up, let her be a bit hungry for intervals, because I do find they get complacent and figure there is a steady suppply, and just eat when they feel like it. It's hard to watch them when they get this way and it can become a battle of the wills, but in the end, she'll be better off if you stick to your guns.

To the troll that was so rude, most of us use lower case letters when describing byb's, they don't deserve upper case.

Re: Re: Re: She wont eat! Post pardem depression?

If your girl doesn't return to normal soon it won't hurt to have your Vet work her up. Maybe run some bloodwork to be sure her kidney and liver values are within normal range. Not to frighten you but dogs will sometimes go off their food if they are having kidney or liver issues....I hope your girl will be OK!

Re: She wont eat! Post pardem depression?

You need to take your bitch to the vet and have a check over if her behavour at this stage is abnormal.

Re: She wont eat! Post pardem depression?

Thank you for your replies, yes I understand tha there are those trolls out there who live to pick on people. Perhaps if I asked about PMS she would have had an answer.

Its not that Im dumb, I just havent had to deal with these things before.

As fas as a BYB, what better a person who has had bred many litters and has seen just about everything or the responsible person who want to do things right but doesnt want to bred several litter a year to get the experience?

I have used the name Justa Novice because I will never look at my self as an expert, I have several breeders that Im friends with that have many years in this breed, that why I look at myself as a novice.