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nipples changes early pregnancy

I heard awhile back that a bitch's nipples will be pink as a sign of early pregnancy? At what point do you see this?


Re: nipples changes early pregnancy

Lots of things change in early pregnancy - and lots don't even though they should.

Here's how to confirm pregnancy. Watch the sun rise and set at least 21 times, and then do an ultrasound. While you are watching the sun rise and set, thing of beautiful things. If it's cloudy or raining, think of the miracles of these things happening to sustain life all over the earth. Breathe deeply, smell the outdoors, enjoy life!

And for God's sake, try not to obsess about whether your bitch is pregnant or not! You'll just drive yourself nuts.

Re: nipples changes early pregnancy

What a wonderful way to spend 21 days. I'll remember that for next time.

Re: Re: nipples changes early pregnancy

Wow, thanks for taking the time to answer my question so thoroughly and precisely. You should not be breeding dogs, you should be a therapist.