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Royal Cabana

Does anyone know if Royal Cabana Sunscreens has an affiliate program when linking them to your website?

TIA for any information. I could not find it on their website.

Re: Royal Cabana

If we are talking about the same item, I bought mine from Cabela' this the screen that pops open?

It took a small army to twist it down, so it sits in its little round case in my garage. I will see if I can find info on it.

Re: Re: Royal Cabana / closing instructions

If this is the shade tent you refer to - try these instructions:

Re: Royal Cabana

Not sure what you are asking but if you write me at I will try to help. We own,manufacture, sell and distibute solarware and link some of our customers sites from our site if this is what you are referring to let me know. I do not think the other writers here are talking of the same product.
