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Countdown help

As a newbie planning my first litter, I have 8 weeks left!

I can't shake the feeling that I am forgetting something.

We are doing an AI, the stud owner has the shipping box and extender.

I have an appointment in three weeks for my girl to have a brucellosis test and herpes titre. I have met with the repro vet, and I have his phone number and he knows I will be doing progesterone etc.

Whelping box is made and my girl is sleeping in it everynight and all day while I am at work.

Puppy packets are made, puppy food is bought, blankets and towels are put aside in the room.

What am I missing?

Re: Countdown help

How about a baby scale. Nice to know how much these little ones weigh at birth.

Re: Countdown help

This confuses me. 8 weeks left until what? The whelp? The breeding? If it is the breeding, how can you know 8 weeks in advance? And, why wait for the brucellosis and herpes? Also, why are you making her sleep in the whelping box? Sorry, but a lot of this just does not compute.

Re: Countdown help

8 weeks until I breed her.

Re: Countdown help

Wow, you definately pre-plan! Why make her sleep in the whelping box so early? What if she doesn't take? You're going to have to clean out the whelping box before the puppies are born anyway.

Do you have sterile gloves, heating pad, basket to put pups in while mom is delivering the next one, dental floss, iodine, clamps, scissors,forgot what they are called - the bulb things to clean out pups nose/mouth...that's off the top of my head.

Re: Countdown help

The whelping box is in my crate room, so I just took her crate out and plunked the box in. Yes, it will be cleaned before she whelps, if she doesn't take, we'll try again next time!

Re: Re: Countdown help

Do you have other dogs? Are you planning to whelp puppies in the crate room, or is that just where it is now? FWIW, I give Mom a space of her own, away from the other dogs, so she doesn't have that stress on top of her litter.

Re: Countdown help

Ever heard the saying that a watched pot never boils? Leave your girl alone and stop hovering over her as this might make her not come in when she is due to come in season... to make her sleep in the whelping box is crazy if she hasn't even been bred and you don't know if she is pg. If and when she is bred and you find out she is pg then ask what else you will need. JMHO

Re: Countdown help

Thank you for your opinion Jackie, she doesn't mind sleeping in the whelping box, all piled and snug with blankets. I will go back to having her sleep in her crate, just because you said so.

How awful that would be for her to not come into season on time because I am making her stressed out by sleeping in six inches of blankets.

I am not sitting on top of her waiting for her to hatch.

Re: Re: Countdown help

Are brucellosis and herpes tests required for AI? My vet didn't even mention them when I went in for my pre-breeding exam. I thought brucellosis was only required for a natural breeding? We're 3 weeks until possible impending season...

Re: Re: Countdown help

I agree, how in the world do you know she will be in heat in 8 weeks. You are anxious. I put up the whelping box about 3 or 4 days before the pups come. I do not make them go in it at all until the whelping starts. They are always fine. I do have a room away from all the other dogs. I would maybe take her for a Bruc test if she has never had one and she is around other dogs much. Shows, obedience, etc. Not because of the AI but just for my knowledge.
Sounds like you have most things covered. I would take it a little easy and let nature have her way.
You will have lots of help right here.

Re: Countdown help

Eight weeks ahead of when she's due in heat! She'll really mess you up and be late.

I think maybe the only other thing you might need is a visit to the spa. And maybe a valium!