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Pregnant(Disharge mixed w/blood)

A friend of mine has a Mastiff bitch 2 1/2 years old who is post breeding 27 days from what can be best described as a silent heat (swelling,normal ties (3). Her "mom"/owner noticed a creamy white disharge 2 days ago (which for my Labs is pretty normal about this time in pregnancy). Today, she noticed her bitch spotting a red blood/with a slight mucous to it. Is this normal? Or could this be something else?
Never had this experience before, so I wasn't much help to her.....thought I would just ask here on the forum for a few opinions.

Re: Pregnant(Disharge mixed w/blood)

My first bred bitch had discharge and I called my vet.
He said that if the discharge was clear or milky, it was normal. If it was green, red or black to come right in.
I would call the vet to make sure.
Good luck.