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What to test for?

Some of the other post got me thinking.

My girl will be ready to bred next year pending final clearances. I was wondering what test to ask for when I take her in for her Pre-breeding vet visit. And how soon before she is to go into heat to you take them in for this test.


Re: What to test for?

Can no one share what test they do on their bitches before breeding?

Re: Re: What to test for?

Other than the pre-breeding health certifications (hips, elbows, eyes, heart & thyroid) and a Brucelosis test 30 days or less prior to brreeding, I can't think of anything else I might test for. Unless I'm forgetting something, I think that pretty much covers it.

Re: Re: What to test for?

not to be unkind, but don't people ever do some basic reading about their breed; diseases carried by their breed; breeding in general... prior to embarking on breeding? Isn't that part of being 'responsible'...

basic stuff is well... basic. Esoteric stuff is good to be aware of but probably doesn't merit testing..

ok, i feel the heat....

Re: What to test for?

Doi you all treat your bitches with antibiotics just before you breed them or just after?

Re: What to test for?

Do you all treat your bitches with antibiotics just before you breed them or just after?

Re: What to test for?

No reason to treat them with antibiotics before or after unless you have your vet do a culture (regular or for microplasms) and there is a reason to put them on antibiotics prior to breeding.

Re: Re: Re: What to test for?

I see you're point, however, I'm sure the poster has done some research, as they already knew about clearances, and just want to be sure they're not missing anything since it's their very first litter. I know it seems quite obvious to us who have had litters before, but would they really be aking us if they weren't trying to do the right thing??

Re: Re: What to test for?

That brings up a good point. When you take your girl in for a pre-breeding exame, you might want to have a vaginal culture done at that time just to check for infection or anything out of the ordinary. I personaly don't have them done--especially on first time girls, unless I suspect there's a problem, but it can't hurt if it makes you feel better.

Re: What to test for?

Some breeders will pull a regular blood panel to ensure kidney and liver values are normal prior to breeding. Also, a herpes titer can tell you if she's built antibodies to herpesvirus, which could be quite helpful in the case of fading pups or stillborns.

Also, some recommend a vaccine booster within a few months prior to breeding. Vaccines are definitely no-nos while in whelp.

In the mean time, next time she cycles, consider writing down when her discharge changes from red to straw colored, when she exhibits flagging and/or mounting behavior, and when she's out of season. Most girls will cycle the same as previous cycles and this can help you pinpoint when to start progesterone testing, etc.

Best of luck! Hope you have a good mentor to help select the best boy for your girl and help with any whelping questions/problems!

Re: What to test for?

A thorough wellness exam. Also, Heartworm/Lymes/Ehrlichia test.

Usually I try to schedule at least a good month or so before she's next due in season... keeping in mind they might come in a couple weeks early.

Re: What to test for?

Thank you, to those that answered nicely. To the others, I do not understand why you have to jump all over people like they are stupid. If you can not answer the question asked stay way and go take a lesson from your Labradors unless they are the ones that are aggressive at time too.

About the testing, she has been Optigen tested, cardiac color doppler, CERF'd, and had Prelim hips and elbows done. She has her CD, RA, WC and looking for her last major. I already have the stud picked out.

I knew about the brucellosis test and will have a thyroid panel run. But I was wondering if others did full blood work or checked for herpes. Do you do heartworm test even though she has always been on heartworm meds? Do you do cultures?

There are all kinds of test that can be run. Do you only do them if you have a problem like a missed pregnancy or are you pro-active and test first? With so many misses that you hear about I just wanted to know what pre-breeding testing others were doing.

I would still like to know what testing others regularly do.

Re: Re: What to test for?

JMO when a bitch is in really good health and there is no reason to believe you have a problem, why test? I personally do not. (not talking about clearances, only the testing you are asking about). I trust the care they dogs are given, their health, up to dates on shots etc.. and do not anticipate anything. IF there is a situation where you miss for no apparent reason and progesterone testing was on the mark and AI or breeding was good that becomes a different story. Sometimes I feel if we go looking for problems, we end up with it...

Re: What to test for?

I do the brucellosis and herpes titer. It has only been in the last couple of years that I have done herpes. I just happened to have a bitch go to another part of the country for field work and wanted to breed her when she returned. So, we did a few extra tests on her, like Lyme and herpes. To my surprise - she was herpes negative. Now we do herpes on all of the bitches, but we do it after they have been bred (about the time we do the ultrsound). That way you have a more up to date reading on the herpes. The test takes over 2 weeks (here) to get results. If they are negative, then no shows here until the pups are 3 weeks old.

Re: Re: What to test for?

Mel, thank you! I am one that has lost a litter to HV 5 plus years ago and honestly I didnt even know the titer was available. Last time I checked into this it was not. I just e mailed my vet for further information.

Brucellosis yes I do that, should have said it although I have not on every single bitch.

Re: What to test for?

The OP is asking about tests at the vet prior to breeding, not clearances from what I read.

I do wellness exam - full blood work, urinalysis, fecal

Re: What to test for?

I am waiting on my girl's season for my first litter as well.

We just had her tested for Brucellosis, thyroid levels, calcium levels and a complete CBC with liver and kidney check. We ran a herpes titre, and an antibody titre, all normal.

We were told about three weeks before to do a vag smear as well. And of course, progesterone as she is in season.

Re: What to test for?

When in doubt I would suggest you do a full panel including a T4 as a baseline, this way if you have any issues you know what you started with and it could eliminate needless forensic "why didn't it work" later. If you have all your other clearances then you are ready to "rock & roll" or is that "inseminate & whelp" ?

Re: What to test for?

"Do you do heartworm test even though she has always been on heartworm meds?"

It's the IDEXX blood test... I have it primarily for the Lymes-Ehrlichia testing, but the HW negative affirmation is always good to know too.