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Deer droppings, Rabbit droppings HELP

Has anyone come up with a solution for keeping them from eating droppings.

After feeding them breakfast, we go for a long walk and All I do is yell commands, chase,, discourage,,ect

I have tried everything,, it takes away from a nice walk, they run from deer bed to deer bed, with me chasing them.

I am ready for anything...

Re: Deer droppings, Rabbit droppings HELP

I can totally relate to this as I run my dogs out in the same pastures my horses and mini donkeys use so there is lots of temptation out there. They are dogs so of course they will go check out the manure but when I say "leave it" they back away and continue their run. I also give them toys or sticks (or logs in the case of my am staffs) to carry so if they have something in their mouths they are less inclined to try to pick up other "goodies". Of course they may still roll in them but they don't usually.

Have you taught them a "leave it" command? I would teach this separately from your walks then take them one at a time on the walks near the areas of temptation and practice it there. Have them on lead to start with so you can easily enforce the "leave it" and reward them when they return to you. In an extreme case if you have an e-collar you can use it when you say "leave it" if they don't respond to the verbal on the walks but I would never do that until I had a solid "leave it" taught. I have a hand out on teaching "leave it" that I wrote for puppy classes if you haven't done this before and can share it with you.

I would also deworm them regularly (or at least do a stool check periodically for parasites) knowing that they do snack on the forbidden.......

Re: Deer droppings, Rabbit droppings HELP

We have given up! And it does make taking them for a run not enjoyable if you have to keep on them. So if we see a problem we worm, other wise we worm twice a year.Its either that or not go on walks and stay by the house for excersise. But the cats are there so.....

Re: Deer droppings, Rabbit droppings HELP

Thank you for the replys.

when it comes to poo the temptation is just too much. We run a boot camp here, every one knows the rules. But, yelling leave it for 7-8 dogs on a run is waking the neighbors..

Re: Deer droppings, Rabbit droppings HELP

You must be an early a.m. person (and very considerate). Fortunately I don't really have to yell but I don't have a danger of waking neighbors if I did -- no one close by and the closest ones are hard of hearing, up earlier than me and gone Nov. through April to FL!!
I'd say in your case you just need to ignore it and deworm them since I'm sure you don't want to stop walking them.

Re: Re: Deer droppings, Rabbit droppings HELP

Well, I have given up on trying to stop them. We have a buck and his harem that visit the dogs regularly. So much so that the dogs don't even bark at them anymore! The jackrabbits also abound here so I just worm them at least twice a year. There are some things that are just toooooo wonderful for them to resist

Re: Re: Re: Deer droppings, Rabbit droppings HELP

I know this is not what you want to hear but......... Get used to it.