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puppy diaherra

I have 7 week old puppies, they have been on solid food for one week, all was well until today when they started with shooting water diaherra. I have stopped food only water. What happend and what do I do?

Re: puppy diaherra

get a stool sample checked asap? might be a bug of some sort?

maybe try a bland diet of boiled rice with some yogurt added.

what were/are you using for their food?

hopefully it is "just" a simple intestinal bug / upset and albon and/or flagyl will have them back on track asap!!

good luck

Re: puppy diaherra

Yes, definitely take a stool sample in. Could be coccidia, which is easily treated.

Re: Re: puppy diaherra

Try putting them on tylan powder, just a pinch like you would salt and see if that firms it up. Joan McInnis told me about that stuff and it works wonders for dogs that don't have worms or any parasites, mine like to eat dirt and that is what causes the loose stools.