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irritated vulva

Sorry for the explicit title, but hey we are all breeders/lab owners right

My girl just came out of her first heat at 9 mo about 3 weeks ago. She has developed a red irritation around her vulva, I have seen her scooting (though she has gland issues too) and occasionally licking, though its obvious in her spare time she is doing ALOT of licking from how raw she has it. I haven't seen any discharge but its obvious there is some type of skin infection going on there, possibly vaginitis? We do have a vet appointment, but not till Wed. I was just wondering if anyone had any home remedies to treat the irritation while we wait for the vet. It looks fungal to me, I was thinking of using a topical anti fungal cream I bought over the counter clotrimazole.


Re: irritated vulva

The only thing I would use is Gold Bond powder or corn starch. Wash it gently with mild soap and water. If she's licking it you have to be careful what she is ingesting.

Re: irritated vulva

Good point Gail, I'll try the gold bond I just feel bad b/c it looks uncomfortable

Re: Re: irritated vulva

We had a case last week at work with a bitch that caused an abrassion on her vulva because she had been scooting her butt on the carpet due to impacted anal sacs. We had the owner clean her vulva with mild soap and water and rinse well. We had the owner apply antibiotic ointment to the area and also sent an Elizabethan collar home so that the poor girl would stop licking. Because she had caused such an irritation from licking we sent home an antibiotic as well. Per follow up phone call to the client....the bitch was much better in just a few days. Good luck with your poor girlie!

Re: irritated vulva

Dx: dermatitis and the vet said probably from excess licking and that her vulva is slightly recessed. She said the cornstarch/goldbond is the best thing I can do to keep it dry.

Re: irritated vulva

A & D ointment is soothing to her and not awful if she licks it (fish oil & vaseline)....DO NOT use Desatin ointment...not good if she licks that.