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I'm trying to find the words to express how this forum makes me feel lately. It's very depressing to see all the negativity, criticizing, everyone worried about what everyone else is doing/saying. Yes, I'm writing this anonymously because I prefer not to be flamed because of it. Jill's forum is really a gift and can be such a wealth of information. I've learned a lot over the years from this forum. Not as much lately as I used to. Some knowledgeable, and helpful people don't frequent here as much anymore because of obvious reasons. I can imagine some of the newbie breeders that find this forum and I wonder what goes through their heads while they read what goes on here. I agree, it's good to educate, but can't we do it in a nicer, kinder way rather than criticizing? Could we each just think about our posts, and the effect our words could have on others, before we hit the send key? We're all human, and no one is perfect, but can't we try to be kinder to each other? We all have these wonderful dogs, these loving, gentle souls. It seems kind of trite for me to say, 'Can't we be more like our Labradors?'.

Re: Negativity

"Sad", you are so correct and I couldn't agree more. My father always told me, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". I've always found this to be sound advice.

Re: Negativity

I agree totally. I understand "trolls happen" but I would like to believe that should be the exception not the norm. I (in my own innocent naive way) would like to believe that by posting with my real name I am 100% responsible for my comments. And while none are meant to be offensive I would hope that if I unintentionally offended someone they would collar me ringside, call or email and ask what I meant. Doesn't make me better simply makes me be accountable.


i see that most of the people that have negative remarks directed at them are themselves guilty of being the biggest offenders of spreading gossip, hurling snide remarks and insults behind other breeders backs and from the sidelines at the shows.
its a small world and believe me most comments get back to the person they were made about.
ever think that the victims are now fighting back on this forum?

so their actions come back to them on the forum

Re: Negativity

I have seen it escalate here as well as ringside. It is sad and I have a theory it is due to people being overextended and overstressed in today's world as well as the fact that our sport seems to be dominated by women in the menopausal age of life.

Re: Re: Negativity

It is very distressing to read some of the reasoning. Now blame menopausal women.

Maybe it is the need for everyone to be better than everyone else. In this forum and in the ring or is it outside the ring.

Can you people not look at one another as a source of knowledge and not a source of competition.


Re: Re: Negativity

I don't think anonymous posting is a bad thing. I think it can actually be a good thing because I believe some questions are asked anonymously that would not be asked at all if the poster was required to use a name. All I was suggesting is that we all think about what we are writing and how it will effect others.

There are always going to be people that try to 'stir the pot'. It just seems like there is a lot more of it going on lately that in the past.

Re: Negativity

Hmmm well I will say that the "Menopausal woman" comment brought me to my knees in laughter!! But, I do think that as a society we are overextended, etc. However none of those rationals are excuses for bad behaviour, poor sportsmanship etc. Pardon me while I go dry off from the hot flash!!

Re: Negativity

wanna know what PMS REALLY stands for?

Pass My Shotgun!

Re: Re: Negativity

I have heard that the reason they call PMS "PMS" is because "mad cow disease" was already taken.

Re: Re: Re: Negativity

Now you made me laugh. I do wish we could be nicer to each other. No one has anything I want. I love my dogs and they are as good as I see them. I do agree, lately there seems to be alot of me, me, me going on.
We use to be better sportswomen and men. Help each other more and think there is more jealousy going on.
And it is sad.

Re: Negativity

I'm NOT being NEGATIVE!!!!

Re: Negativity

And that is excalty why. I do check in once n a while but way too nasty here. I agree about the ring side thing, too.

As I was taught--if you don't have something nice to say then don't say anything. Makes people feel good to run others and their dogs, etc down. So sad for them.

Re: Negativity

Two points:
1) There are some valid reasons to post anonymously; e.g., to say something that would embarass someone else if they were to associate you with the situation. But to post anonymously just because you want to throw invective stones at someone or their dogs just means you don't have any - stones, that is.

2) I'm glad to see people take a thread like this, and turn it into something humorous, where we can read the latest and share a good belly laugh!