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Frontline and pregnancy?

I took my old boys to the beach and came home happy, tired, and full of fleas! I didn't realize until a few days later and being allergic to fleas I was itchy all over and covered with bites. Okay so I did a lot of research and found that Frontline is supposed to be safe for pregnant bitches and my vet said it would be better to use than a shampoo or spray that will penetrate deeper. I had just bred my girl a few days before this all happened. So I used it on everyone - cats and dogs and I washed all the bedding. Fleas were now gone right? Wrong - eggs laid back a few weeks ago must have now hatched and I am once again covered with bites. I don't see them running wild on the dogs like before however it's been about 3 weeks since treating them with the Frontline. I must use it once again. Safe to use again? She is now about 23 days if she is pregnant? Anyone else with a similar experience?

Re: Frontline and pregnancy?

We used to have big flea infestions around our house in October time frame to. We tore out all our carpet downstairs to bare cement floors and hard wood floors upstairs. The only thing we need to treat now are the dogs and we use either Frontline or Biospot. Frontline for Pregnant or nursing girls which I've used safely. I'm not sure about putting on frontline on your pregnant girl a week early. The chemical only goes to the muscle level, not into the blood stream (supposedly) so I would think it would be safe to put a little more on her 23 days after her first application.

Sharon, if you have carpeting and the animals get on all your beds, why don't you try buying a few boxes of Borox laundry powder to sprinkle all over your carpeting, sofas (under the pillow cusions and under the sofa) strip all your beds down to the mattress and treat with the Borox. Put it on your beds in the morning and vauum it off in the evening. I leave the powder on the sofa (under the big cushions) for extra protection and vaccum after flea season is finished. YOu can leave the powder in the carpeting for a few days before vacumming.

Those fleas can get in the crevesses of your wood molding all around your walls so if you use Borox, make sure you get the powder down in all the cracks and edges.

I sure feel for you. I remember the days where those little buggers haunted us no matter what we did then my someone told me that Flea Buster uses the same stuff that is in Borox powder but they charge you a few hundred to come out and treat your home.

We gave up on using flea bombs years ago. They seemed useless and not healthy for humans or pets.

Good luck on those pesky fleas

Re: Frontline and pregnancy?

My repro vet did not recommend using Frontline on a pregnant girl. She recommended a product called Capstar.

Re: Re: Frontline and pregnancy?

I use Frontline on all my girls, pregnant or not

Re: Re: Re: Frontline and pregnancy?

One thing you may find is that flea eggs can live for many month before hatching. They love warm moist enviroments. So steam cleaning would make them hatch. The trick with the borax would be better, but you can also get a flea collar, put it in the vaccume bag and then suck up the fleas and the eggs.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Frontline and pregnancy?

I second the use of a flea collar in the vacuum bag.