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A Positive Attitude

I was trying to post this to another thread which appears to have deleted, but it really didn't have much to do with the thread, but rather written in response to some of the posts that appear here from time to time.

"The power of a positive attitude. I've made a few changes over the past few years and one thing that has made me a happier and more positive person is working diligently on keeping a positive attitude. It's not always an easy thing to do, but the more I work on it and the more I surround myself with positive people, the happier I am. It's nice to read the other forum and see people enjoying their dogs, earning titles, sharing whelping stories, watching puppies grow and change. It does the mind good to be able to focus on positive things and things that really make us happy.

I do enjoy reading BOTH forums. They are both good learning tools. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with those new to the breed. I learn a lot about dogs but mostly about people. I learn how I DON'T want to be and behave. Quite frankly when I start seeing threads go bad, I tune out. It does NO ONE any good to start bashing each other or our dogs when we all know how hurtful it can be. I truly do not understand why people seem to take such pleasure in hurting other people. It turns into a pack mentality with more and more people jumping in with nasty comments (and then sometimes it's just one or two people posting under multiple assumed names and anonyminity)and the negativity expressed in some of the posts does not do any one any good. It just makes us more unhappy!

I think the we all should practice trying to focus on the positive and what makes us happy. Trying to tell people what to do, or what to breed or how to breed, is only going to put people on the defensive and creates resentment. I've learned over the years, and especially more recently to just do my own thing and do things that make ME happy

I hope we can all practice a little of the positive. We will all be much happier if can do that!"


Re: A Positive Attitude


I try to go to "my happy place" and tune out the sometimes nasty crap this computer can bring "home" to me not just on this Forum by a longshot, the poop ppl can write in nasty-grams and foolish e-mails can be so emotionally draining???

A BIG smile and /or "have a great day" can help someone else when they are on the receiving end but does also go ALONG WAY in boasting my own spirit

Re: A Positive Attitude

I agree with your entire post but this hit me the most.

"I truly do not understand why people seem to take such pleasure in hurting other people."

I so agree with this and don't get it either. I was not raised that way. Do unto others as the saying goes.

I always think of how I would feel if someone were nasty to me and strive to be as nice as possible and help, not hurt, others.

Thanks for this post. Its important that everyone read it even if they don't post in response.

Re: A Positive Attitude

I totally agree. Sticking to the thread would be a big improvement.

I always try to be positive and cheerful. I try not to take things seriously, even though sometimes it's tough. A couple of times I have managed to turn a nasty or unreasonable thread around by being a clown, which is my nature.