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I have an idea. Lets have a contest to see how many days this forum can go without sparks flying over disparaging (sp?) remarks.

Prize: self satisfaction that you didn't start an argument or say anything nasty.

Re: Idea

LMAO!! Wouldn't that be nice? Some people just love controversy and I know the older I get, the less I do! I just end up shaking my head, taking it with a grain of salt, not let it spoil my day and move on.


Re: Idea

Gail... at least your and MANY OTHERS OF US AGREE... unfortunately it only took some 5 minutes or so for someone to come on the board and post a negitive message... IT REALLY IS A SHAME !!!!

Re: Idea

*Deep sigh* I am willing to advance the "Thumper Bunny..if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing" banner. Well that is after I stop flashing!!

Re: Re: Idea

Thanks, Susan. I was just trying to create a better mood this morning, but is didn't work. I think these people are in some kind of a trance.

Now watch me catch h***.