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Does anyone have a food they recommend for a dog with food allergies.
My dog is suffering, and we need help asap.
The Vets, have not been able to get the problem under control.
So, I am wondering if there is a high quality food that would suit the needs of a dog with food allergies.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: allergies

Does your food contain Beef products?
I have found quite a few can't tolerate beef.
Try Salmon, chicken, Lamb, Venison, etc...

Re: allergies

You can spend a lot of money switching foods to identify the problem but I recommend an allergy test and then it will be easy to avoid

Re: allergies

I have had great success using Eagle Pack Holistic Fish (Sardine/Anchovy. You may need more then just a food change and perhaps a trip to a canine Dermotologist would help. Good Luck.

Re: allergies

only about 10% of dogs have food allergies, most have some sort of environmental allergy.
If you are feeding a hooved food (beef, lamb, venison) try a feathered food, if you are feeding feathered (chicken, etc) try something not avian
(if its food, there can be cross allergies between say chicken and turkey, or lamb and venison) a simple food, one protien one carb is a good idea...

10 weeks minimum with NO mistakes to be a valid food trial.

A boarded veterinary dermatologist can help you get to the bottom of the problem.;jsessionid=2j009ugqd672d to find one


Re: Re: allergies

after going through what you are right now i would rec. a allergie test with food alg as well. the vet will prob. try and talk you out of the food bit saying that its not !00%, but at least it gives you a list of things to go by. then work from there. the doc that i bring my dog to had me try tons of different stuff, i spent thousands of dollars trying to figure it out. then one exam i looked at her and said i am done, and that i wanted to stop everything and have an alg test with food test run. best thing i ever did.
hope this helps

Re: allergies

A lot of people have had success with a

Re: allergies

Hoping you can find the culprit.

California Natural is a good food to try if chicken is not the issue - as it has very few ingredients.

It is however only 21% protein but you could add cooked chicken to each meal to increase that.

If protein is not the issue you may want to try a grain free food.

Re: allergies

Are you sure the problems are food related? I have a dog with both food and environmental allergies, but I have determined that his environmental allergies are the cause of most of his problems. I have tried just about everything with him in the last 3 years. As a pup, his original symptom was chronic watery diarrhea. The he progressed to foot chewing, excessive itching and constant ear infections. Switching him to a duck & potato food cleared up the diarrhea and lessened the foot chewing and itching, but didn't totally eliminated them. I currently have him on a raw diet, but I haven't noticed much of an improvement since he's been on that. His ears are still a mess. However, I believe I may have found his "cure" - local raw honey. I read an article on it in the WDJ a month or two ago and went out and bought some. I've recently noticed that his ears are getting better, the one thing I've never been able to effectively treat. So depending on your dog's symptoms, you might give it a try.

Re: Re: allergies

i feed cal. nat. to my dog as well with good results. does anyone feed this to their reg normal non-alg dogs? if not, how come?

Re: allergies

Adam I fed it years ago. I really like the food but I do prefer a higher protein for growing pups and seniors.

My mother still feeds it (lamb and rice) and has for years. Both her 13 and 11 year old just had excellent blood work results. Only other supplement she gives is G/C and fish oil and Vit. C

Re: Re: allergies

what is the protein level that you look for in pup, and senios food if you don't mind me asking?

Re: Re: Re: allergies

also thanks for the reply

Re: Re: allergies

I would recommend going to a board certified dermatologist and having your dog allergy tested. I took one of my dogs last week and had him skin tested. The initial cost may seem expensive but constant trips to the regular Vet are costly as well. When I took my dog to the specialist I had the results from the skin testing immediately and went home with what I needed to treat my dog. My only regret is that I didn't take him sooner. My dogs are eating Salmon and brown rice food and doing very well on it. My boys allergies are mostly environmental....

Re: allergies

I just switched to Timberwolf Organics a little over a week ago and the difference in my chocolate girl is amazing. Her coat is back to its beautiful dark color. She no longer has dry, flaky skin.

Timberwolf has no wheat, corn, rice (any grains) in it. Of course, it is more expensive.


Re: Re: Re: allergies

Also go to the website she has some amazing treatments for dogs with allergies. I recommended her site to a co worker who has irritable bowel and tried some of the remedies and feels much better. The Whole Dog Journal had an excellent article about the uses of Raw Organic Honey for allergies, it truly is a wonderfood!!!

Re: Re: allergies

How can you be sure only 10percent are food allergies?
I would be happy to hear that.
Thank you for the info.
Where can I find it?
Thanks again!!

Re: allergies

I would always suspect fleas first unless the dog is on a religious schedule of monthly flea preventative. Once fleas are ruled out, I'd want not only an allergy test, but probably a skin punch biopsy. If the dog is suffering I don't want to spend a lot of time with trial and error if I can possibly find out the cause with testing. Fortunately, I've been blessed with allergy-free dogs. My cat, Max, had severe flea allergies, and one little flea bite could cause reaction all over his skin. If we were religious with the flea treatment he stayed in good shape. He lived a long happy life of 18 years.