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Second a male or female

I know what I usually say, but what do you all say when someone wants a second Lab and have an older male 3 yrs. from you. What are the pros and cons of a new male pup or a new female pup. Temperaments in my lines are very laid back.

Re: Second a male or female

My opinion and only mine. I presume that the male is neutered. That being a given and your line being laid back, helping them select a puppy whose temperament fits their lifestyle makes more sense that what the sex of that puppy is. The challenging part for the new owner will be making sure new puppy and the older dog are socialized in way that allows the appropriate "pack" relationships.

Re: Re: Second a male or female

I have three Labradors and all are three years apart in age. My girl is the oldest and then I have two boys. I am lucky to have a very happy household with all three just loving one another. I have never had a problem between my two boys....they just adore each other and of course my girl is QUEEN of the house!

Re: Second a male or female

Doesn't matter. What do you want?

Re: Second a male or female

It shouldn't matter, either sex should be fine especially if the 3 year old male is neutered. If the temperaments in your line are laid back you answered you own question. The only thing I am against is someone taking two puppies at the same time of any sex or temperament, it's a lot of work for anyone.