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More photos from the Nationals

Wow, I think I may have finally recovered from last week and I apologize for not getting photos out sooner from the winner's dog class as well as from BOB.

I had a little adventure coming home as I was driving home by myself. I had a shock come loose on my van and had to stay overnight in a place called Rice Hill OR. Beautiful scenery and truthfully, it was a good excuse to stop as I was very tired from the previous days as well as the 17 hour drive up there! I didn't get home until Sunday afternoon and then I had to work Monday. I lost a full day yesterday because of a terrible migraine, but today, after a rain shower last night, I am up, the sun is shining, I'm feeling great and decided to get the photos up for all those interested.

One thing I must say about the people of OR, they are such nice people! Everywhere we went, the people were just so nice! It's refreshing from the hustle and bustle and those always in hurry here in Ca! LOL

Ok enough rambling, here are some more pictures:

Winner's Dog line up

Winner's Dog presentation

Reserve Winner's Dog presentation

Best Of Breed Class

Enjoy, see you all at the GGLRC!


Re: More photos from the Nationals

Thanks for taking the time to make the photos available. Much appreciated by me!

Re: More photos from the Nationals

You are quite welcome Chris! Glad you enjoyed them. I really enjoyed the show and seeing all those gorgeous dogs! I just wish I was able to post them in a timelier manner, but hey, better late than never right?


Re: More photos from the Nationals

Does anyone know the identity of the black dog shown with the handler who is wearing a red jacket and black pants. The handler is behind a pole in the photo of the WD line-up. Lovely boy. They are all very nice dogs! Thanks for sharing the photos!

Re: More photos from the Nationals

I believe it is Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable

Are There Other Photos?

Are there other photos that I missed?


Re: Are There Other Photos?

Thanks for the photos!
Just wondering about all of the tent set-ups. That would be lovely if the weather were hot, but it doesn't appear to be. Just wondering why all of the tents and maybe other clubs could follow?

Re: Re: Are There Other Photos?

The tents really are for sunshine :-) or at least our Pacific Northwest version of sunshine aka Rain. The forecast was for rain the entire week but we really dodged that bullet and it wasn't bad. Tuesday was the only day I had to breakout my raincoat for any length of time

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Replying to:

Thanks for the photos!
Just wondering about all of the tent set-ups. That would be lovely if the weather were hot, but it doesn't appear to be. Just wondering why all of the tents and maybe other clubs could follow?

Re: Re: Are There Other Photos?

does anyone know the name of the yellow dog?

Reserve Winner's Dog presentation

thank you in advance

Re: Re: Re: Are There Other Photos?

The dog's call name is Blake. He is owned by Trudy Rose at Talimar Labradors. You can see him on her website.

Re: More photos from the Nationals

Most of the tents were not set up by the club; many people brought their own and shared with their group.

Re: Re: Are There Other Photos?

I had a canopy set up -- in fact you can see my smilling face in the RWD shot! Anyway, most set these up to protect their dogs (I had four crates underneath my canopy). We had a bit of rain and a bit of sun at the show and whenever these occur it is nice to have the shelter. You have to remember that at a specialy show you are there all day (unlike an all-breed show where you are probably there for less than an hour) and even the least bit of sun and a moderate day can be warm on the dogs. A lot of people will actually set up ex-pens under these canopies as well.


Re: Re: Re: Are There Other Photos?

Talimar's Trendsetter (