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taking photos

Can someone help me get some info on this topic. I designed my own site and graphics. I have many of my own photos on my site and those taken by show photographers. I just came across a site with my dog on it. Cropped photos. My head and the judge cut out of the photo. This was a photo taken professionally. This photo was paid for by ME to use on my site. Credit to the photographer is given on MY site.

Has this person crossed the line?

Re: taking photos


You can email the person and ask to have them remove it. I don't know what you can really do legally though.

Even if you protect your photos on your website, anyone with a little knowledge will know how to view the source and find the original file, if they really want the photo.

It's a shame people would USE someone else's photo. The ONLY time I do that is if I need a photo of a stud for a litter announcement.

Re: Re: taking photos

What was the context the photo was used in?

Re: taking photos

It is a dog she bred but has no ownership. It is on a "past puppies" page. Has it been one I took I may let is slide. But this was a professional photo, that was cropped and cut out the faces.

Re: Re: taking photos

Well, I don't see anything wrong with her wanting to brag about what she bred but I would ask her to please put in credits with the photo that identify the current owner, handler in the photo and the photographer

Re: taking photos

If this person bred this bitch, I see no reason why she can't use the photo--after all she is more than likely proud of what she bred. It's not like it's a puppymill or backyard breeder trying to use your photo and saying it's one of their own dogs.

If she doesn't want to give you credit, so be it--just let it go. There are more important things to concern yourself with. It's just not worth your effort to try to "make" someone do something they don't want to. Be the bigger person and just let it go.



Re: taking photos

What about giving the photographer credit??

And yes she IS BYB. Pumps out litter after litter. Never set foot in a show ring. She is riding the coat tails of this dogs wins. Using it as a selling point.

A dog she bred, has her kennel name on, but is not of her "bloodlines". It is just by luck this particular dog turned out to be as nice as it is. The best? No.

Like I said, I guess I am more upset that it is a professional photo that she cropped and altered.

Re: Re: taking photos

you are angry you can't control this person. You have
nothing better to do than look at this cropped photo
on another person's website? puleeze, get your own life...the photographer could not care less, YOU have
nothing better to do than try to trash somebody on a public forum. You should be outed.

Re: taking photos

As a photographer, I want to know any time my work is on someone else's site without my permission. Also, show photos are reproduced countless times, without paying for each use. I would contact the person, ask to take it off the site. If she doesn't, I would contact the show photographer. It is illegal to take pictures off of a site and reproduce it in a way that's not representative of the original work. Unfortunately, you only paid for rights to use this photo, it is not yours, so legal action can only be taken by the photographer who produced the work.

Re: taking photos

Hey I also do photography as well and I have seen photos that I've done on websites with my name purposely taken off of them (taking away my photo credit) by mean spirited people, but that is their problem not mine. It really doesn't matter to me if that's the way they want to be. I know my work and enjoy what I do.

Personally, I have more important things to concern myself with.


Re: taking photos

Legally, it's up to the photogrpher.
You don't own the copyright because you paid to use it.
Get over it. Life is too short to fight over this.

Re: taking photos

Someone asked for info on a topic. Why is it that some of you being so nasty with their opinions?Can't you ease off?

I wonder if you were in this person's shoes how you would react.Sometimes we need to put ourselves right there. There's also a way to speak to one another in a civil manner.

I'm walking outdoors to check for a full moon.

Re: Re: taking photos

like I said, life is too short.
Get over it.
You, too, Ease Off.

Re: taking photos

"Has this person crossed the line?"

To answer your question in a word, yes. The line crossed was that this person stole a photo off of your web site and then altered the photo. Can you do anything about it, no. The copyright belongs to the photographer even if you paid for a copy of the photo. The photographer is the one who can take the action... if they wish. Now if this person did not alter the photo and your face was able to be made out then yes you can take action to have it removed.

Me being a photographer I would not bother with this as I've got other more important things to go after... people using my photos for profit or artists using my photos without my release.

Re: taking photos

That was a very good reply Carol. I also felt the line was crossed based on the initial post.

You do beautiful work, your input is taken well coming from a photographer. It's nice to see a calm, straight answer to the poster's original question.

Re: taking photos

Thank you C Stevens and the other who had intelligent responses. I don't think this was something I would pursue, I was asking a question.
Man there I times I hate this forum and it is no wonder people don't use their names. They are so hurtful and unhelpful.

Re: Re: taking photos

fWhen a professional takes a photo, the PHOTOGRAPHER owns the copyright. That means you must have his/her permission to use the photo.

The photos you purchased and used on your web site were part of your agreement with the photographer. The person who took the photo off of your web site is violating your copyright (of your web site) and the copyright of the photographer.

Although you may not want to pursue legal angles, you do need to educate the person that the photo was taken by a pro and that it cannot be used without permission. You can offer her a shot you took instead.