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So, I paid for a year's subscription to ILR back in late spring, and have yet to receive an issue. Has anyone else gotten an issue lately? Is there scheduled times/months when issues come out?

Any info would be helpful.

Re: ILR ?

I got a subscription last fall for my girl's win, we received one issue after I complained, along with a complimentary issue, that was March.

Nothing since.

Re: ILR ?

I thought I read that issues would come out when there was enough input/topics/ads for an issue.

Re: Re: ILR ?

Well, then, what constitutes a yearly subscription? One magazine? 4 magazines spaced over 3 years? (Seems like a lot of money to put out for a subscription where you might get one issue, or none???)

Not sure what to make of this.

Re: ILR ?

I just asked the same question this week, this is what Sandra said:

"Due to a lightening strike which hit my computer and scanner, the issue is running very late, but it is almost ready to go to the printer and he has to have it for a bit before I can get a good est. on the mail date."

Re: Re: ILR ?

Anyone know how I can contact them?


Re: Re: Re: ILR ?