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bordering a rating?

I am curious as to what Bordering Excellent means on a hip rating posted on a web site I surfed onto? Does that mean 2 of the 3 OFA Vets rated Excellent and the other diagnosed Good? Isn't it the majority of the 3 or am I mistaken? A rating is a rating though isn't it? I never heard of bordering any rating before.

I didn't understand it when I saw it, I figured someone here would know what it meant.


Re: bordering a rating?

:) It means that the OFA gave a "good" rating, and the owner was really hoping for an excellent(probably the hips looked really nice to the vet or the owner, and they didn't get the reading they thought they'd get).


Re: bordering a rating?

You can call up OFA and ask what the 3 different ratings were - perhaps one radiologist gave an excellent and the other 2 a good? That would come back a final rating of "Good". Why don't you ask them?

Re: Re: bordering a rating?

I agree with Dian, it's a wishful thinking kind of thing.
Plus it looks great to pet people who have no clue there is no such thing.
I would venture to say I know the site you found this on and have often wondered myself why anyone would put that up there. I think it just shows professionalism personally.

Re: Re: Re: bordering a rating?

It probably meant the hips looked so clean and nicely seated that even the experienced vet that took the x-ray thought they should come back with an excellent rating. So I think the breeder is just trying to say how close they were to getting an excellent as opposed to some hips that are rated a Good but were iffy on whether they would be rated a Good or a Fair.

Re: Re: Re: Re: bordering a rating?

Yes that would be the case however, I do believe several of the dogs have this notation on the website, not just one

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: bordering a rating?

Maybe those certain dogs were on the edge of getting an excellent rating. I'm sure there are other dogs showing a Good rating on that site without the "bordering excellent" notation.

Re: bordering a rating?

"Bordering" excellent???

Well, we all know some borders are more porous than others!

I agree with Dian - it's wishful thinking at best, outright misrepresentation at worst. Hopefully these "Bordering Excellent" dogs are all OFA Good.

Re: Re: bordering a rating?

It is stated on that site the dog was rated OFA Good and with the OFA number, but just a notation next to it that the hips were "bordering excellent" meaning it was a strong good and were so close to getting that excellent rating. They did not say that OFA rated it "bordering excellent"..there is no such rating.