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Type of food for a nursing bitch

The other post about the AMOUNT to feed had me wondering about the type of food ya'll feed. I currently feed a great all life stages food which also has a "sister" grain free food. Do you normally switch to giving the Mom puppy food, or do you just give MORE of what you normally feed? Do any of you feed your moms Grain-free? Just curious.

Re: Type of food for a nursing bitch

In the past, I have used a puppy food but in recent years, I feed the same food as the adults. That is fine as long as it is a "for all life stages" food. Some of the large bred formulas with reduced fat and diet are not a good idea.

Some folks will say only feed a puppy food to nursing females but that is a general staement and it is more important to compare ingredients and percentages. The adult food I feed my dogs is for all life stages and actually has as much or more protein and fat than some brands of puppy food. So, that is the long winded explanation ...... the short reply is yes, feed more as long as it is not a large breed formaula with reduced fat, protein, etc. A lot of the extreme varieties in any product are for advertising purposes and to attract a bigger share of the market.

As for my post about amounts, I will say what I fed in my example of 6 pups. At a week, ~ 5 cups a day. At 3 weeks, ~ 8 cups! In large part, it does depend on other factors such as condition after whelp, amount of milk being produced, puppy gains, amount of exercise for the bitch, individual differences, etc.
