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Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

Hi Everyone,

Tomorrow we have our club spring specialty, that is going to be judged under Mrs. Sharon Parr from Delight Labradors (USA).

The club is trying to do something different this year and we are going to do a LIVE Transmission on internet of our specialty.

It is going to start at 10 a.m. - local time (Sao Paulo - Brazil). (This is one our more than NY for example)

The link to see it live on internet is: mms://

That is an inovation, but if it really works its an idea to join the Lab Comunity all over the world. WOULDN'T IT BE AWESOME?

Hope it works well (as it is an outdoor show and its the first time doing it, please be patient..rsrsr) and that you all can see our labs!

Best Wishes,

Labrador Retriever Club of Sao Paulo - Brazil.

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

who´s in charge of the transmition, and also, of the club?
how many dogs in the specialty are you going to have?
good luck for you all.

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

I´d like to invite all my friends in USA, and all over the lab world to join us in this new way to watch a specialty.
The new direction of the LRC of Sao Paulo, is trying to inovate and are inviting you all to join us.
For me it´s a great pleasure cause I´m with my two dogs in Mid Jersey, and 5 more here.
Seams strange and funny, isn´t it???
Join us!!
Hope to see you all there.

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

I knew getting the new computer and wireless service was going to come in handy. Hope to watch tomorrow AM!

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

Has anyone been able to connect yet? It's 8:20 Mountain Time and Windows Media Player says it can't open the file. Just trying to find out if it's the technology, or if the firewall here at work is filtering it out.

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

Greg I can't get it to show either all I get is the "cover page" that looks like the front of the premium list and the music. Darn and I was really hoping to see it!!

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

Yippee I now have someone speaking and standing in front of a dog ring!!!!

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

Coolness-its 11:30am EST and I'm sitting here in our upstairs hall watching Lab judging live in Brazil. Man this rocks!:) Now if I had a catalogue.....LOL
Windows Media player is working this viewing for me.

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

Totally Cool!!!

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

NOT FAIR!! I have friends there showing AND I CAN'T SEE IT!!

Re: Live Transmission on a Specialty - Brazil

Ir's a bit out of focus, but this is VERY cool!