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BISS Ch. Liddle Leaping Leo

I'm not sure if my computer is working okay or not, but I did not see anyone ask or anyone post the results of Fridays MJLRC. The only results I know are that a big congrats is due to Gary & Laura witts who won BOB both days!!!!!!! With a beautiful bitch who never let down I am told (I wasn't there). And BOS on Friday went to Abby Kagan & Greg Goebel's BISS Ch. Liddle Leaping Leo. Congrats to Deb Weinman for handling him so well. I had the pleasure of handling Leo a few weeks ago and won BOS (to Dove)at the Pawcatuck LRC specialty. 2nice wins for one of my favorite boys. (He is from a Baloo daughter bred to Arnold for those of you who may not know him.)

Re: BISS Ch. Liddle Leaping Leo

It was posted below, but got lost in another thread. Congrats to Abby, Greg and Leo! He just gets better with age!

Re: BISS Ch. Liddle Leaping Leo

Congrats Leo, Greg and Abby! Way to go!
Love, Hildi!!