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Supplements for coat

I give my gang a multi-purpose supplement with their kibble, but I am looking for something to improve their skin and coat. I heard 'oils' to their food will help.... I heard everything from salmon oil to flax seed to cod liver. I am looking to optimize the coat of my house girls and to fight the 'snow flakes' they get when they are nervous or excited. With the winter coming, my heater will only make it worse.

If you have had success with a certain brand or type of coat "oil" supplement, I love to hear it

Re: Supplements for coat

I've had good luck with 3V Capsules. They're good for skin, joints, and heart health. If you notice flakes on the coat you can also mist the coat with a Humectant such as Humalac Spray. It moisturizes the skin without making the coat greasey.....It really brings out the shine on a dark coated dog.

Re: Supplements for coat

Also make sure you have the humidifier on during the winter months.

Re: Supplements for coat

What a great idea, never thought of that

Re: Supplements for coat

Increase the protein level in the food. Since I switched to ProPlan performance (30% protein) I no longer use supplements and have great coats on the Labs and the Havanese.

Re: Supplements for coat

Hi-don't know if you can get it, but "Velcote" is great (for horses AND dogs)!

Re: Supplements for coat

I switched my girl to EVO and put her on 2tsp of very high-quality salmon oil per day. Her coat's better than it's ever been, in terms of both quantity and quality.

I've stopped the fish oil for now because she's bred, so it will be interesting to see if the coat changes.

Re: Re: Supplements for coat

The surge of hormones plus the stress a whelping takes on the body will, indeed, change the coat - most bitches become practically bald! The coat does come in nicely, though, after the pups, whether you use supplements or not.

Re: Supplements for coat

I switched to Evo about six months ago...I have coats on dogs that never had them is the increase in protein !!

Re: Re: Supplements for coat

I too have recently switched to EVO Red Meat as part of my gal's rotational diet. She has only been on it for about 3 weeks but have seen some nice changes. Basically, she has no undercoat but it appears that she has thickened up a bit (it may be seasonal, cooler weather now is in). Also, has a very nice shine. She looks really good.

I noticed that she was straining a bit with her stools. It might be from the higher protetin. I'm giving her a tablespoon of canned pumpkin with her meals and all problems have been nicely resolved.

But I just did catch her rolling in cat poo in the backyard. I'll let you know how she makes out with the EVO over the next month.....that is, when she gets out of doggie prison.........

Re: Supplements for coat

The fiber is low in the Evo Red Meat....maybe that is why your girl is straining.....may want to add some roughage !!