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drive-thru window treats

headed out this LOVELY Monday to do errands etc here, as usual one of the gang went along for the ride and the chance at cookies / treats at the various stops we make. First the Bank, always a nice cookie there, next stop Tim Hortons for my coffee and pumpkin doughnut, when I said "I have a sweet dog here looking for her Tim Bit" their response was that there were NO more free Tim Bits, I'd need to pay!! What is the world coming to? "We" expressed our unhappiness and concern over this AND you can bet the corperate office will be getting a call and e-mail from us today

Re: drive-thru window treats

I hope you do write corporate, they SHOULD know that giving away a few free doggy treats will bring the customers in.

Re: drive-thru window treats

I called and spoke with a sweet guy, he's take is that this is an individual decision by each store. So,I'll be speaking with the owner/manager on my next trip to Town!!

Re: Re: drive-thru window treats

Yeah, look how many of our club's use Tim Horton's for their morning coffee and donuts for their specialty show.

Re: Re: drive-thru window treats

Whenever I have received poor service or a product that was just not up to par from any chain, I have sent an e-mail describing my displeasure. Many times they will bend over backwards to try and remedy the situation, but the higher-ups in the corporation should know about your experience. Do send the e-mail, even though you already called. It's worth a shot - it might change some small minds!

Re: drive-thru window treats

At my local one. I complained and they now give out dog treats instead! :)